EVOTECH:ナンバープレートホルダー(ホルダーのみ) Ducati 1198/1098/848 ドゥカティ フェンダーレス
メ ー カ ー KDC 商 品 名 アッパーカウル 品番 P028-1933 商品内容 ■カウルの取り付けボルト類は、ノーマルパーツを流用してください。 ■レース用 カーボン ※画像は白ゲルです。 適合 ドゥカティ 1098 07-08 PBDU001 pbxbdy ∇KDC20080624p028-1933
■商品番号D-ms57■商品概要材質:ポリカーボネイト商品内容:スクリーン(取付ボルトの同梱は無し。)■適合車種▼DUCATI1098 / 1198■注意点※輸入品のため、輸送時の傷や品質に問題がある事が多発しています。予めご了承ください。※商品の造りが悪く、取り付けが困難な場合がございます。商品を上手く加工してお取付が出来る方のみのご購入をお願いいたします。
社外アッパーカウルステー(メーターステー)になります。 新品未使用品です。純正同様。 保管中に出来てしまう様な細かな傷はあります。このまま使用可能です。
4533NIMPORTANT: Colour of screen ordered has to let know adding letter of colour code after reference.Double height Racing Screens produced with Acrylic of High Impact of 3mm. Special shaded part on the lower section of the screen to cover cables behind the speedometer.* Smooth cleaned edge finish from 2004 models, and a great optical vision. For weight and clarity purposes, PUIG created the 2M line for racers.*(Except in black, dark smoke and carbon look colors).Once again setting apart from competitors, PUIG informs that from January 2011 will not use the alert sticker advising on the magnifying glass effect, which causes burns on the dash after leaving the bike parked against the sun. There are 5 models where there were problems, but from now on we will supply with the screen a small piece very well finished that will avoid the reflection and any possible damage.The models where this will be supplied are:Honda CBR600F 01-07'Honda CBR600F 11'Honda CBR900 02-03'Honda CBR1000RR 04-07'Yamaha YZF1000 THUNDERACEYamaha R1 09'CODBAR: 45330000007884533N4533N1964年から創業のPuig(プーチ)はスペインのアフターパーツメーカーでその歴史はレースと共に信頼と実績を重ね高機能なものを提供しています。
4533RIMPORTANT: Colour of screen ordered has to let know adding letter of colour code after reference.Double height Racing Screens produced with Acrylic of High Impact of 3mm. Special shaded part on the lower section of the screen to cover cables behind the speedometer.* Smooth cleaned edge finish from 2004 models, and a great optical vision. For weight and clarity purposes, PUIG created the 2M line for racers.*(Except in black, dark smoke and carbon look colors).Once again setting apart from competitors, PUIG informs that from January 2011 will not use the alert sticker advising on the magnifying glass effect, which causes burns on the dash after leaving the bike parked against the sun. There are 5 models where there were problems, but from now on we will supply with the screen a small piece very well finished that will avoid the reflection and any possible damage.The models where this will be supplied are:Honda CBR600F 01-07'Honda CBR600F 11'Honda CBR900 02-03'Honda CBR1000RR 04-07'Yamaha YZF1000 THUNDERACEYamaha R1 09'CODBAR: 45330000008254533R4533R1964年から創業のPuig(プーチ)はスペインのアフターパーツメーカーでその歴史はレースと共に信頼と実績を重ね高機能なものを提供しています。
4533GIMPORTANT: Colour of screen ordered has to let know adding letter of colour code after reference.Double height Racing Screens produced with Acrylic of High Impact of 3mm. Special shaded part on the lower section of the screen to cover cables behind the speedometer.* Smooth cleaned edge finish from 2004 models, and a great optical vision. For weight and clarity purposes, PUIG created the 2M line for racers.*(Except in black, dark smoke and carbon look colors).Once again setting apart from competitors, PUIG informs that from January 2011 will not use the alert sticker advising on the magnifying glass effect, which causes burns on the dash after leaving the bike parked against the sun. There are 5 models where there were problems, but from now on we will supply with the screen a small piece very well finished that will avoid the reflection and any possible damage.The models where this will be supplied are:Honda CBR600F 01-07'Honda CBR600F 11'Honda CBR900 02-03'Honda CBR1000RR 04-07'Yamaha YZF1000 THUNDERACEYamaha R1 09'CODBAR: 45330000007194533G4533G1964年から創業のPuig(プーチ)はスペインのアフターパーツメーカーでその歴史はレースと共に信頼と実績を重ね高機能なものを提供しています。
4533WIMPORTANT: Colour of screen ordered has to let know adding letter of colour code after reference.Double height Racing Screens produced with Acrylic of High Impact of 3mm. Special shaded part on the lower section of the screen to cover cables behind the speedometer.* Smooth cleaned edge finish from 2004 models, and a great optical vision. For weight and clarity purposes, PUIG created the 2M line for racers.*(Except in black, dark smoke and carbon look colors).Once again setting apart from competitors, PUIG informs that from January 2011 will not use the alert sticker advising on the magnifying glass effect, which causes burns on the dash after leaving the bike parked against the sun. There are 5 models where there were problems, but from now on we will supply with the screen a small piece very well finished that will avoid the reflection and any possible damage.The models where this will be supplied are:Honda CBR600F 01-07'Honda CBR600F 11'Honda CBR900 02-03'Honda CBR1000RR 04-07'Yamaha YZF1000 THUNDERACEYamaha R1 09'CODBAR: 45330000008704533W4533W1964年から創業のPuig(プーチ)はスペインのアフターパーツメーカーでその歴史はレースと共に信頼と実績を重ね高機能なものを提供しています。
4533AIMPORTANT: Colour of screen ordered has to let know adding letter of colour code after reference.Double height Racing Screens produced with Acrylic of High Impact of 3mm. Special shaded part on the lower section of the screen to cover cables behind the speedometer.* Smooth cleaned edge finish from 2004 models, and a great optical vision. For weight and clarity purposes, PUIG created the 2M line for racers.*(Except in black, dark smoke and carbon look colors).Once again setting apart from competitors, PUIG informs that from January 2011 will not use the alert sticker advising on the magnifying glass effect, which causes burns on the dash after leaving the bike parked against the sun. There are 5 models where there were problems, but from now on we will supply with the screen a small piece very well finished that will avoid the reflection and any possible damage.The models where this will be supplied are:Honda CBR600F 01-07'Honda CBR600F 11'Honda CBR900 02-03'Honda CBR1000RR 04-07'Yamaha YZF1000 THUNDERACEYamaha R1 09'CODBAR: 45330000006584533A4533A1964年から創業のPuig(プーチ)はスペインのアフターパーツメーカーでその歴史はレースと共に信頼と実績を重ね高機能なものを提供しています。
カーボンスイングアームカバー スイングアームの保護とドレスアップ適応車種:1098,848(EVO),1198
4533CIMPORTANT: Colour of screen ordered has to let know adding letter of colour code after reference.Double height Racing Screens produced with Acrylic of High Impact of 3mm. Special shaded part on the lower section of the screen to cover cables behind the speedometer.* Smooth cleaned edge finish from 2004 models, and a great optical vision. For weight and clarity purposes, PUIG created the 2M line for racers.*(Except in black, dark smoke and carbon look colors).Once again setting apart from competitors, PUIG informs that from January 2011 will not use the alert sticker advising on the magnifying glass effect, which causes burns on the dash after leaving the bike parked against the sun. There are 5 models where there were problems, but from now on we will supply with the screen a small piece very well finished that will avoid the reflection and any possible damage.The models where this will be supplied are:Honda CBR600F 01-07'Honda CBR600F 11'Honda CBR900 02-03'Honda CBR1000RR 04-07'Yamaha YZF1000 THUNDERACEYamaha R1 09'CODBAR: 45330000006724533C4533C1964年から創業のPuig(プーチ)はスペインのアフターパーツメーカーでその歴史はレースと共に信頼と実績を重ね高機能なものを提供しています。
カーボンスイングアームカバー スイングアームの保護とドレスアップ適応車種:1098,848(EVO),1198
スクリーン(4cmアップ) 風除けの機能性と本来のスタイリングの維持適応車種:1098,848(EVO),1198
スクリーン(4cmアップ) 風除けの機能性と本来のスタイリングの維持適応車種:1098,848(EVO),1198
ドライカーボンリアフェンダー(オリジナルデザイン) ※別途切削加工が必要になる場合がございます。適応車種:1098,848(EVO),1198
● スポーツイメージを演出するシングルリアシートカウルです 。● ピリオンシートとの交換で一人乗り専用となります。 ● キーロックでの開閉式で、シート下の収納スペースはそのまま使用できます。
メーカー品番: 410-D112-003詳細はメーカーサイトをご参照ください。