Wunderlich ワンダーリッヒタンクバック「Light」 BMW・R1200R用


●メーカー品番:1250141●適合:BMW・R1200R●備考:30000kmの耐久走行テストをクリアーしたタフなタンクバッグ。各車種専用設計により走りを邪魔することなく快適に走行できます。「Big Bag」では大き過ぎるという方にお勧めです。容量は15リットルから周囲のファスナーを解放することで25リットルまで拡張可能です。拡張した際に荷崩れを防止としてラバーストラップが装備され安定させます。インビタス社のCORDURA潤・f材が使用されており耐久性に優れ、磨耗、引き裂き、すり切れに強く型崩れの心配もありません。さらにテフロンコーティングを施し、ファスナーも放水使用を採用。急な天候悪化でも大切な荷物を守ります。●ワンダーリッヒについて:【ワンダーリッヒ/Wunderlich】確立された車両のイメージを崩すことなく、持ち味を昇華させるアイテムは、厳選された上質な素材と緻密な設計から具現化する。「BoxerCup」・「Europe Rally」参戦のテクノロジーから開発されるハイスペックパーツはあこがれのワークスマシンへと変貌する。ドイツメーカーならではの質実剛健なカスタムスタイルは新たなツーリングライフを綴る。●ご注意:※実際の製品は改良・仕様変更などにより、一部カラー、形状が異なっている場合がございます。●写真注意:※写真はイメージです。掲載写真の取り付け車種、カラーなど、写真と異なる場合がございます。また、撮影の都合上、他商品も写真に写っている場合がありますが表題の商品のみのお届けとなります。●納期:通常納期はご注文より1-2週間となります。メーカーの都合により通常納期よりも遅延する場合もございますので予めご了承ください。また、注文確定後のキャンセルは出来ません。ご注意ください。【smtb-F】


Wunderlich ワンダーリッヒタンクバック「Light」 BMW・R1200R用


●メーカー品番:1250141●適合:BMW・R1200R●備考:30000kmの耐久走行テストをクリアーしたタフなタンクバッグ。各車種専用設計により走りを邪魔することなく快適に走行できます。「Big Bag」では大き過ぎるという方にお勧めです。容量は15リットルから周囲のファスナーを解放することで25リットルまで拡張可能です。拡張した際に荷崩れを防止としてラバーストラップが装備され安定させます。インビタス社のCORDURA潤・f材が使用されており耐久性に優れ、磨耗、引き裂き、すり切れに強く型崩れの心配もありません。さらにテフロンコーティングを施し、ファスナーも放水使用を採用。急な天候悪化でも大切な荷物を守ります。●ワンダーリッヒについて:【ワンダーリッヒ/Wunderlich】確立された車両のイメージを崩すことなく、持ち味を昇華させるアイテムは、厳選された上質な素材と緻密な設計から具現化する。「BoxerCup」・「Europe Rally」参戦のテクノロジーから開発されるハイスペックパーツはあこがれのワークスマシンへと変貌する。ドイツメーカーならではの質実剛健なカスタムスタイルは新たなツーリングライフを綴る。●ご注意:※実際の製品は改良・仕様変更などにより、一部カラー、形状が異なっている場合がございます。●写真注意:※写真はイメージです。掲載写真の取り付け車種、カラーなど、写真と異なる場合がございます。また、撮影の都合上、他商品も写真に写っている場合がありますが表題の商品のみのお届けとなります。●納期:通常納期はご注文より1-2週間となります。メーカーの都合により通常納期よりも遅延する場合もございますので予めご了承ください。また、注文確定後のキャンセルは出来ません。ご注意ください。【smtb-F】


SW-MOTECH エスダブリューモテックBMW R1200R/R1200S タンクソケット(スクリューなし)


●メーカー品番:trt-00-475-124●適合:BMW・R1200R/R1200S●備考:タンクソケット BMWスクリューなし●写真注意:※画像はイメージとなります。●納期:※在庫が有る場合は、5営業日以内(土日祝除く)に発送いたします。※取寄せの場合は、4〜5週間程度の納期が目安となります。また、予告無く生産を終了する場合がございますが、予めご了承ください。


DAYTONA GIVI BF06 イージーロック BMW R1200R('11-'13) 品番79114 デイトナ


掲載商品はお取り寄せとなる場合があります。受注完了後に納期等をご連絡致します。■タンクロックシリーズの取り付けに必要になります■メーカー:DAYTONA/デイトナ■モデル名:DAYTONA GIVI BF06 イージーロック BMW R1200R('11-'13) 品番79114 デイトナ■適合車種例:BMW R1200R('11-'13)※適合車種はメーカーサイトで確認してください。


SW-MOTECH エスダブリューモテックBMW R1200R/R1200S タンクソケット(スクリューなし)


●メーカー品番:trt-00-475-124●適合:BMW・R1200R/R1200S●備考:タンクソケット BMWスクリューなし●写真注意:※画像はイメージとなります。●納期:※在庫が有る場合は、5営業日以内(土日祝除く)に発送いたします。※取寄せの場合は、4〜5週間程度の納期が目安となります。また、予告無く生産を終了する場合がございますが、予めご了承ください。


BMW R1200R(2015年〜) AEROサイドケースシステム SW-MOTECH(SWモテック)【02P05Oct15】


【適合車種】BMW R1200R【適合年式】2015年〜※海外メーカー直輸入商品となります。ご注文後1ヶ月半程度お取り寄せにお時間を要します。key:サイドケースシステムzero197552※海外メーカー直輸入商品となります。ご注文後1ヶ月半程度お取り寄せにお時間を要します。ABS樹脂製で軽量なAEROサイドケースと取付け用ラック(クイックロックEVOサイドケースキャリア)のセット。クイックロックEVOサイドケースキャリアは別売りアダプタの使用でSW-MOTECH製TRAXアルミケースやGIVI、Hepco&Becker製のパニアケースも積載が可能です。商品にはAEROサイドケース左右(25L×2)、ホルダー、アダプターキット、盗難防止デバイスが含まれます。【商品名】AEROサイドケースシステム【商品番号】S68-KFT-07-573-60000-B【メーカー】SW-MOTECH(SWモテック)【車種メーカー】BMW(ビーエムダブリュー)【適合車種】BMW R1200R【適合年式】2015年〜


Cee Bailey’s シーベイリーズツーリングバッグ 左右セット ブラック (BMW R1200R、ST、RT/K1200、1300、1600共通)


●メーカー品番:CB-TB-1200R-LR-B●カラー:ブラック●適合車種:BMW R1200R、ST、RT/K1200、1300、1600共通●サイズ:高30×幅41×奥22(センチ・概数)●備考:BMWパニアケースにピッタリ収まるバッグ。ツーリングの荷物の持ち運びで苦労している方にお勧め!他にグレー、トップケース付セット、GS用、R1100/1150用も取り揃えております。●写真注意:※写真はイメージです。お届けは表題の商品のみです。●納期:※注文生産品のため、注文を受けてから通常4〜6週間程度でお届け致します。注文確定後の色の変更、ならびにキャンセルは出来ません。【smtb-F】


2輪 ヘプコ&ベッカー サイドケースホルダー C-BOW 品番:630648 ブラック BMW R1200R JAN:4548664722150


motorcycle motorbike autobicycle バイク モーターバイク モーターサイクル モーター サイクル オートバイ 2輪車 二輪 二輪車 プロト PLOT HEPCO&BECKER 車体関連&アクセサリー ビーエムダブリュー ぷろと バッグ タンク ケース色[カラー]:ブラック加工[有/無]:取り付けには多少の加工が必要な場合がございます材質[素材]:スチール適合:R1200Rタイプ:C-BOW[N]WEB結合品名:ヘプコアンドベッカー スチール ブラック ツーリング&キャンプ R1200R商品の詳細な情報については、メーカーサイトでご確認ください。


Cee Bailey’s シーベイリーズツーリングバッグ 左右セット ブラック (BMW R1200R、ST、RT/K1200、1300、1600共通)


●メーカー品番:CB-TB-1200R-LR-B●カラー:ブラック●適合車種:BMW R1200R、ST、RT/K1200、1300、1600共通●サイズ:高30×幅41×奥22(センチ・概数)●備考:BMWパニアケースにピッタリ収まるバッグ。ツーリングの荷物の持ち運びで苦労している方にお勧め!他にグレー、トップケース付セット、GS用、R1100/1150用も取り揃えております。●写真注意:※写真はイメージです。お届けは表題の商品のみです。●納期:※注文生産品のため、注文を受けてから通常4〜6週間程度でお届け致します。注文確定後の色の変更、ならびにキャンセルは出来ません。【smtb-F】


2輪 ヘプコ&ベッカー サイドケースホルダー C-BOW 品番:630648 ブラック BMW R1200R JAN:4548664722150


motorcycle motorbike autobicycle バイク モーターバイク モーターサイクル モーター サイクル オートバイ 2輪車 二輪 二輪車 プロト PLOT HEPCO&BECKER 車体関連&アクセサリー ビーエムダブリュー ぷろと バッグ タンク ケース色[カラー]:ブラック加工[有/無]:取り付けには多少の加工が必要な場合がございます材質[素材]:スチール適合:R1200Rタイプ:C-BOW[N]WEB結合品名:ヘプコアンドベッカー スチール ブラック ツーリング&キャンプ R1200R商品の詳細な情報については、メーカーサイトでご確認ください。


BMW R1200R(2015年〜) BLAZEパニアセット SW-MOTECH(SWモテック)【02P05Oct15】


【適合車種】BMW R1200R【適合年式】2015年〜※海外メーカー直輸入商品となります。ご注文後1ヶ月半程度お取り寄せにお時間を要します。key:パニアセットzero197552※海外メーカー直輸入商品となります。ご注文後1ヶ月半程度お取り寄せにお時間を要します。BMW R1200R (15-) 専用ソフトサイドバッグセット。スチール製のステーによりタイヤへの巻き込みを防止します。ステーは簡単に取り外しが可能です。バッグ容量:14〜21L (可変、左右合計で28〜42L)【商品名】BLAZEパニアセット【商品番号】S68-BC-HTA-07-740-10600-B【メーカー】SW-MOTECH(SWモテック)【車種メーカー】BMW(ビーエムダブリュー)【適合車種】BMW R1200R【適合年式】2015年〜


2輪 ヘプコ&ベッカー サイドケースホルダー スチール 650648-0001 ブラック JAN:4548664187775 BMW R1200R


motorcycle motorbike autobicycle バイク モーターバイク モーターサイクル モーター サイクル オートバイ 2輪車 二輪 二輪車 プロト PLOT HEPCO&BECKER ツーリング&キャンプ ビーエムダブリュー ぷろと積載重量:(ケース重量含む)片側10.0kg色[カラー]:ブラック加工[有/無]:取り付けには多少の加工が必要な場合がございます材質[素材]:スチール適合:R1200RWEB結合品名:ヘプコアンドベッカー スチール ブラック ツーリング&キャンプ商品の詳細な情報については、メーカーサイトでご確認ください。


2輪 ヘプコ&ベッカー サイドケースホルダー スチール 650648-0001 ブラック JAN:4548664187775 BMW R1200R


motorcycle motorbike autobicycle バイク モーターバイク モーターサイクル モーター サイクル オートバイ 2輪車 二輪 二輪車 プロト PLOT HEPCO&BECKER ツーリング&キャンプ ビーエムダブリュー ぷろと積載重量:(ケース重量含む)片側10.0kg色[カラー]:ブラック加工[有/無]:取り付けには多少の加工が必要な場合がございます材質[素材]:スチール適合:R1200RWEB結合品名:ヘプコアンドベッカー スチール ブラック ツーリング&キャンプ商品の詳細な情報については、メーカーサイトでご確認ください。


BMW R1200R クイックロック EVOタンクリング(EVOタンクバッグ取付専用) SW-MOTECH(SWモテック)【02P05Oct15】


【適合車種】BMW R1200R※海外メーカーからの取り寄せとなりますので1か月半以上のお時間を要します。ご注文後の取り消しができません。key:タンクバッグzero197552※海外メーカーからの取り寄せとなりますので1か月半以上のお時間を要します。ご注文後の取り消しができません。SW-MOTECHのクイックロックEVOタンクバックを取り付けるためのアダプタリングです。BMW Keyless Ride仕様車用。取り付け車種名・年式などについてご不安な場合には注文いただく前にお問い合わせください。【商品名】クイックロック EVOタンクリング(EVOタンクバッグ取付専用)【商品番号】S68-TRT-00-640-30600-B【メーカー】SW-MOTECH(SWモテック)【車種メーカー】BMW(ビーエムダブリュー)【適合車種】BMW R1200R


【430】デイトナ GIVI BF22 イージーロック/90722/BMW R1200R・R1200 Nine T・R1200GS Adventure・R1200GS・S1000RR


■商品名GIVI BF22 イージーロック■品番90722■適合等BMW R1200R('11〜'14)・R1200 Nine T('14)・R1200GS Adventure('09〜'13)・R1200GS('08〜'12)・S1000RR('12〜'14)※車種によっては、タンクキャップが全開しない場合がありますが、使用上問題なく給油することができます。※車種によっては、ハンドル操作した際に、タンクバッグとハンドルが接触する場合があります。【ご注文の際の注意事項】※必ず以下の事項をご了承の上お申し込みください。※商品詳細についてはメーカーサイト・カタログをご確認の上お申し込み下さい。※お取り寄せ商品の為、返品・交換・キャンセルはお受けできません。※品切・完売の場合がございますので、受注後に発送予定をご連絡させて頂きます。※デザイン・仕様等改善のため予告なく変更される場合がございます。※画像はイメージとなりますので商品とは異なる場合があります。 トップへ


【430】デイトナ GIVI BF22 イージーロック/90722/BMW R1200R・R1200 Nine T・R1200GS Adventure・R1200GS・S1000RR


■商品名GIVI BF22 イージーロック■品番90722■適合等BMW R1200R('11〜'14)・R1200 Nine T('14)・R1200GS Adventure('09〜'13)・R1200GS('08〜'12)・S1000RR('12〜'14)※車種によっては、タンクキャップが全開しない場合がありますが、使用上問題なく給油することができます。※車種によっては、ハンドル操作した際に、タンクバッグとハンドルが接触する場合があります。【ご注文の際の注意事項】※必ず以下の事項をご了承の上お申し込みください。※商品詳細についてはメーカーサイト・カタログをご確認の上お申し込み下さい。※お取り寄せ商品の為、返品・交換・キャンセルはお受けできません。※品切・完売の場合がございますので、受注後に発送予定をご連絡させて頂きます。※デザイン・仕様等改善のため予告なく変更される場合がございます。※画像はイメージとなりますので商品とは異なる場合があります。 トップへ


BMW R1200R(2015年〜) クイックロック EVO サイドケースホルダー パニアステー SW-MOTECH(SWモテック)【02P05Oct15】


【適合車種】BMW R1200R【適合年式】2015年〜※海外メーカー直輸入商品となります。ご注文後1ヶ月半程度お取り寄せにお時間を要します。key:パニアステーzero197552※海外メーカー直輸入商品となります。ご注文後1ヶ月半程度お取り寄せにお時間を要します。別売りのアダプタキットと組み合わせて、GIVI(V35以外)、ヘプコ&ベッカー等主要各社のパニアケースが使用できます。フレームはクイックロック構造ですので、ケースを使わないときには簡単に取り外せます。【商品名】クイックロック EVO サイドケースホルダー パニアステー【商品番号】S68-KFT-07-573-20000-B【メーカー】SW-MOTECH(SWモテック)【車種メーカー】BMW(ビーエムダブリュー)【適合車種】BMW R1200R【適合年式】2015年〜


BMW R1200R 06年〜 パワーソケット スクリューなしタイプ(12V) SW-MOTECH(SWモテック)【02P05Oct15】


※海外からのお取り寄せ商品となっており、商品手配後 1ヶ月〜1ヶ月半程度入荷にお時間を頂きます。【適合車種】R1200R 06年〜key:タンクバッグ用パワーソケットzero197552※海外からのお取り寄せ商品となっており、商品手配後 1ヶ月〜1ヶ月半程度入荷にお時間を頂きます。パワーソケットとバッテリーを接続することによってパワーソケット用タンクバッグへ電源を供給することが可能です。ソケットとバッグは簡単に着脱可能ですので、一度取付して頂ければ快適にお使い頂けます。GPSや携帯電話の充電など、さまざまなシーンで活躍できる優れものです。【商品名】パワーソケット スクリューなしタイプ(12V)【商品番号】S68-TRE-00-475-123【メーカー】SW-MOTECH(SWモテック)【車種メーカー】BMW(ビーエムダブリュー)【適合車種】R1200R 06年〜


TOURATECH ツラーテックハンドルバーバッグ BMW R1200RT(2014-)


●メーカー品番:01-047-5806-0●適合車種:BMW R1200RT●カラー:ブラック●サイズ:約L13×W21×H15cm●容量:約2L●備考:You’ll never want to be without this bag! Designed to fit perfectly on the Triumph Trophy’s handlebar, this bag is the optimum way to carry and protect the small items you need to access in a hurry such as credit and toll cards, pens, a torch or sunglasses. It attaches securely to the left and right handlebars via two large Velcro fasteners and is practically equipped with water-repellent dustproof zips, elastic loops, a small pocket and a large, covered storage compartment. And the best part: the bag provides storage space exactly where you need it, without unnecessarily getting in the way of the ignition key! - The material that we use is not plain nylon - it is certified Cordura fabric, made in Germany, as also used for protective motorcycle clothing and expedition equipment - Sturdy body and top made from high-quality, water-resistant and abrasion-resistant 1100 dtex Cordura - Waterproof coating on inside of fabric - Fluorocarbon impregnation and Teflon coating by DuPont using nanotechnology for protection against moisture, dirt, oil and fading - Washable and easy to clean - The fabric used has been tested for harmful substances and certified in accordance with OEKO-TEX Standard 100 - Strong, ergonomic carry handle for practical transportation away from the bike - Perfect fit - Organiser with small inner pocket inside the top cover for toll cards, credit cards and loops for pens or a small torch - Securely attached but can be quickly taken off the bike - Low-weight bag with high carrying capacity and large usable volume - Water-resistant, high-quality zips - Large main compartment without extra subdivisions provides maximum space for individual loading - All luggage systems are carefully hand-crafted in Germany What’s included: Please note: Use paint protection film if necessary!●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:メーカー取寄せ商品のため完売の際は納期にお時間頂きます。また、販売終了の場合もございますので予めご了承下さい。


TOURATECH ツラーテックハンドルバーバッグ BMW R1200RT(2014-)


●メーカー品番:01-047-5806-0●適合車種:BMW R1200RT●カラー:ブラック●サイズ:約L13×W21×H15cm●容量:約2L●備考:You’ll never want to be without this bag! Designed to fit perfectly on the Triumph Trophy’s handlebar, this bag is the optimum way to carry and protect the small items you need to access in a hurry such as credit and toll cards, pens, a torch or sunglasses. It attaches securely to the left and right handlebars via two large Velcro fasteners and is practically equipped with water-repellent dustproof zips, elastic loops, a small pocket and a large, covered storage compartment. And the best part: the bag provides storage space exactly where you need it, without unnecessarily getting in the way of the ignition key! - The material that we use is not plain nylon - it is certified Cordura fabric, made in Germany, as also used for protective motorcycle clothing and expedition equipment - Sturdy body and top made from high-quality, water-resistant and abrasion-resistant 1100 dtex Cordura - Waterproof coating on inside of fabric - Fluorocarbon impregnation and Teflon coating by DuPont using nanotechnology for protection against moisture, dirt, oil and fading - Washable and easy to clean - The fabric used has been tested for harmful substances and certified in accordance with OEKO-TEX Standard 100 - Strong, ergonomic carry handle for practical transportation away from the bike - Perfect fit - Organiser with small inner pocket inside the top cover for toll cards, credit cards and loops for pens or a small torch - Securely attached but can be quickly taken off the bike - Low-weight bag with high carrying capacity and large usable volume - Water-resistant, high-quality zips - Large main compartment without extra subdivisions provides maximum space for individual loading - All luggage systems are carefully hand-crafted in Germany What’s included: Please note: Use paint protection film if necessary!●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:メーカー取寄せ商品のため完売の際は納期にお時間頂きます。また、販売終了の場合もございますので予めご了承下さい。


TOURATECH ツラーテックBMW純正パニア用インナーバッグ(右) 22L BMW R1200RT(2014-)


●メーカー品番:01-047-5808-0●適合車種:BMW・R1200RT●備考:Who wants to lug the heavy,unwieldy panniers of his R1200RT into his bedroom for packing or check into the B&B or hotel room with two two dirty dismantled panniers? And possibly scratch the perfect paintwork on the pannier sides,or even damage expensive furinture at home? The inner bags for the BMW panniers offer the perfect solution! The high quality inner bags,made in Germany, can be used for convenient packing at home and one can be sure that everything that fits into the bags will also fit into the bike’s panniers.The zip on the side can be opened completely and makes packing extremely easy,and an additional pocket maintains order inside, a zipper bag on the outside offers space for documents or road maps and a 2 litre outer bag with zip makes maximum use of the storage space available in the BMW pannier.Even when the bag is placed in the pannier,a second zip allows easy access to the entire contents - there is no need to remove the bag from the pannier.As the bag is not fitted with rigid,bulky reinforcements it allows highly compact,space-saving storage when not in use.- The material that we use is not plain nylon-it is certified Cordura fabric,made in Germany,as also used for protective motorcycle clothing and expedition equipment - Sturdy body and top made from high-quality,water-resistant and abrasion-resistant 1100 dtex Cordura - Waterproof coating on inside of fabric - Fluorocarbon impregnation and Teflon coating by DuPont using nanotechnology for protection against moisture,dirt,oil and fading - Washable and easy to clean - All luggage systems are carefully hand-crafted in Germany - The fabric used has been tested for harmful substances and certified in accordance with OEKO-TEX Standard 100 - Strong,ergonomic carry handle for practical transportation away from the bike - Made for extreme loads and built to last - Perfect fit - Low-weight bag with high carrying capacity and large usable volume - Large main compartment without extra subdivisions provides maximum space for individual loading - Appealing,exclusive blend of materials with a refreshing design - To ensure volume measurements are fair and accurate,they are taken in use with the bag fitted to the bike - they are not the result of estimates or rough calculations as is often the case.What’s included: Please note: Use paint protection film if necessary! Size: (L x W x H) approx.47 x 25 x 30 cm Volume: approx.22 litres Colour: black●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:※メーカー取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間頂きます。なお、完売の際はご了承下さい。


TOURATECH ツラーテックBMW純正パニア用インナーバッグ(左) 22L BMW R1200RT(2014-)


●メーカー品番:01-047-5809-0●適合車種:BMW・R1200RT●備考:Who wants to lug the heavy,unwieldy panniers of his R1200RT into his bedroom for packing or check into the B&B or hotel room with two two dirty dismantled panniers? And possibly scratch the perfect paintwork on the pannier sides,or even damage expensive furinture at home? The inner bags for the BMW panniers offer the perfect solution! The high quality inner bags,made in Germany, can be used for convenient packing at home and one can be sure that everything that fits into the bags will also fit into the bike’s panniers.The zip on the side can be opened completely and makes packing extremely easy,and an additional pocket maintains order inside, a zipper bag on the outside offers space for documents or road maps and a 2 litre outer bag with zip makes maximum use of the storage space available in the BMW pannier.Even when the bag is placed in the pannier,a second zip allows easy access to the entire contents - there is no need to remove the bag from the pannier.As the bag is not fitted with rigid,bulky reinforcements it allows highly compact,space-saving storage when not in use.- The material that we use is not plain nylon-it is certified Cordura fabric,made in Germany,as also used for protective motorcycle clothing and expedition equipment - Sturdy body and top made from high-quality,water-resistant and abrasion-resistant 1100 dtex Cordura - Waterproof coating on inside of fabric - Fluorocarbon impregnation and Teflon coating by DuPont using nanotechnology for protection against moisture,dirt,oil and fading - Washable and easy to clean - All luggage systems are carefully hand-crafted in Germany - The fabric used has been tested for harmful substances and certified in accordance with OEKO-TEX Standard 100 - Strong,ergonomic carry handle for practical transportation away from the bike - Made for extreme loads and built to last - Perfect fit - Low-weight bag with high carrying capacity and large usable volume - Large main compartment without extra subdivisions provides maximum space for individual loading - Appealing,exclusive blend of materials with a refreshing design - To ensure volume measurements are fair and accurate,they are taken in use with the bag fitted to the bike - they are not the result of estimates or rough calculations as is often the case.What’s included: Please note: Use paint protection film if necessary! Size: (L x W x H) approx.47 x 25 x 30 cm Volume: approx.22 litres Colour: black●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:※メーカー取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間頂きます。なお、完売の際はご了承下さい。


TOURATECH ツラーテックBMW純正パニア用インナーバッグ(右) 22L BMW R1200RT(2014-)


●メーカー品番:01-047-5808-0●適合車種:BMW・R1200RT●備考:Who wants to lug the heavy,unwieldy panniers of his R1200RT into his bedroom for packing or check into the B&B or hotel room with two two dirty dismantled panniers? And possibly scratch the perfect paintwork on the pannier sides,or even damage expensive furinture at home? The inner bags for the BMW panniers offer the perfect solution! The high quality inner bags,made in Germany, can be used for convenient packing at home and one can be sure that everything that fits into the bags will also fit into the bike’s panniers.The zip on the side can be opened completely and makes packing extremely easy,and an additional pocket maintains order inside, a zipper bag on the outside offers space for documents or road maps and a 2 litre outer bag with zip makes maximum use of the storage space available in the BMW pannier.Even when the bag is placed in the pannier,a second zip allows easy access to the entire contents - there is no need to remove the bag from the pannier.As the bag is not fitted with rigid,bulky reinforcements it allows highly compact,space-saving storage when not in use.- The material that we use is not plain nylon-it is certified Cordura fabric,made in Germany,as also used for protective motorcycle clothing and expedition equipment - Sturdy body and top made from high-quality,water-resistant and abrasion-resistant 1100 dtex Cordura - Waterproof coating on inside of fabric - Fluorocarbon impregnation and Teflon coating by DuPont using nanotechnology for protection against moisture,dirt,oil and fading - Washable and easy to clean - All luggage systems are carefully hand-crafted in Germany - The fabric used has been tested for harmful substances and certified in accordance with OEKO-TEX Standard 100 - Strong,ergonomic carry handle for practical transportation away from the bike - Made for extreme loads and built to last - Perfect fit - Low-weight bag with high carrying capacity and large usable volume - Large main compartment without extra subdivisions provides maximum space for individual loading - Appealing,exclusive blend of materials with a refreshing design - To ensure volume measurements are fair and accurate,they are taken in use with the bag fitted to the bike - they are not the result of estimates or rough calculations as is often the case.What’s included: Please note: Use paint protection film if necessary! Size: (L x W x H) approx.47 x 25 x 30 cm Volume: approx.22 litres Colour: black●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:※メーカー取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間頂きます。なお、完売の際はご了承下さい。


TOURATECH ツラーテックBMW純正パニア用インナーバッグ(左) 22L BMW R1200RT(2014-)


●メーカー品番:01-047-5809-0●適合車種:BMW・R1200RT●備考:Who wants to lug the heavy,unwieldy panniers of his R1200RT into his bedroom for packing or check into the B&B or hotel room with two two dirty dismantled panniers? And possibly scratch the perfect paintwork on the pannier sides,or even damage expensive furinture at home? The inner bags for the BMW panniers offer the perfect solution! The high quality inner bags,made in Germany, can be used for convenient packing at home and one can be sure that everything that fits into the bags will also fit into the bike’s panniers.The zip on the side can be opened completely and makes packing extremely easy,and an additional pocket maintains order inside, a zipper bag on the outside offers space for documents or road maps and a 2 litre outer bag with zip makes maximum use of the storage space available in the BMW pannier.Even when the bag is placed in the pannier,a second zip allows easy access to the entire contents - there is no need to remove the bag from the pannier.As the bag is not fitted with rigid,bulky reinforcements it allows highly compact,space-saving storage when not in use.- The material that we use is not plain nylon-it is certified Cordura fabric,made in Germany,as also used for protective motorcycle clothing and expedition equipment - Sturdy body and top made from high-quality,water-resistant and abrasion-resistant 1100 dtex Cordura - Waterproof coating on inside of fabric - Fluorocarbon impregnation and Teflon coating by DuPont using nanotechnology for protection against moisture,dirt,oil and fading - Washable and easy to clean - All luggage systems are carefully hand-crafted in Germany - The fabric used has been tested for harmful substances and certified in accordance with OEKO-TEX Standard 100 - Strong,ergonomic carry handle for practical transportation away from the bike - Made for extreme loads and built to last - Perfect fit - Low-weight bag with high carrying capacity and large usable volume - Large main compartment without extra subdivisions provides maximum space for individual loading - Appealing,exclusive blend of materials with a refreshing design - To ensure volume measurements are fair and accurate,they are taken in use with the bag fitted to the bike - they are not the result of estimates or rough calculations as is often the case.What’s included: Please note: Use paint protection film if necessary! Size: (L x W x H) approx.47 x 25 x 30 cm Volume: approx.22 litres Colour: black●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:※メーカー取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間頂きます。なお、完売の際はご了承下さい。


TOURATECH ツラーテックタンクバッグ 「Ambato Exp」BMW R1200RT(-2013)/ブラック


●メーカー品番:01-047-5832-0●適合車種:2013年まで(BMW・R1200RT)●カラー:ブラック●容量:14/22L(容量可変)●備考:BMW R1200RT(-2013)に適合。車種別専用形状でライディングの妨げになりにくいタンクバッグ。各部に高品質な素材を用いた頑健な造りとなっています。簡単脱着設計。マップホルダー付属。ideal for your touring machine!Ergonomically perfected handlebars and special tank shapes require special tank rucksacks to ensure that the rider’s freedom is not restricted through luggage.Our tank rucksack even exceeds these expectations! A perfect fit, highest quality material and manufactured in Germany make for happy smiles.Quick expansion of luggage space via a circular zip and quick removal at filling stations are a matter of course for us, and the use of certified Cordura in place of simple nylon provides maximum stability and an unrivalled service life for this tank rucksack. - Vehicle-specific, precisely fitting base plate for secure, play-free attachment to the bike - Sturdy body and top made from high-quality, water-resistant and abrasion-resistant 1100 dtex Cordura - Outer pockets and inserts made from 560 dtex Cordura - The material that we use is not plain nylon it is certified Cordura fabric, made in Germany, as also used for protective motorcycle clothing and expedition equipment - Reflective 3M Scotchlite panels for maximum visibility - All-round zip for easy expansion - Organiser with small inner pocket inside the top cover for toll cards, credit cards and loops for pens or a small torch - Securely attached but can be quickly taken off the bike - Can be removed in seconds for refuelling - Insert panels made from strong waterproof tarpaulin - Waterproof coating on inside of fabric - Fluorocarbon impregnation and Teflon coating by DuPont using nanotechnology for protection against moisture, dirt, oil and fading - Washable and easy to clean - The fabric used has been tested for harmful substances and certified in accordance with OEKO-TEX Standard 100 - Riveted polyethylene inserts provide inner reinforcement for excellent shape retention - Strong, ergonomic carry handle for practical transportation away from the bike - Made for extreme loads and built to last - Perfect fit - Inner pocket with Velcro closure in top cover for maps, documents etc. - Large, strong and secure Velcro fastener on the back - Carry straps for use as a shoulder bag or rucksack are included - Low-weight bag with high carrying capacity and large usable volume - Water-resistant, high-quality zips - Reflective quick-release elastic straps for quickly stowing gloves or a rain jacket - Waterproof inner bags available separately - Optional rain cover available - Large main compartment without extra subdivisions provides maximum space for individual loading - Unobstructed view of instruments and fitted navigation devices - Appealing, exclusive blend of materials with a refreshing design - All luggage systems are carefully hand-crafted in Germany - No troublesome improvisation with poorly fitting 「universal」 attachment kits these luggage systems are developed specifically for each motorbike and we test the mountings as well as the durability of each product - To ensure volume measurements are fair and accurate, they are taken in use with the bag fitted to the bike they are not the result of estimates or rough calculations as is often the case.Please note: Use paint protection film if necessary! Size: (L x W x H) approx. 35 x 27 x 22/30 cm Volume: approx. 14/22 litres Colour: black●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:※メーカー取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間頂きます。なお、完売の際はご了承下さい。【smtb-F】


TOURATECH ツラーテックリアシートバッグ 「アンバート Exp」 BMW R1200RT(-2013)


●メーカー品番:01-055-5816-0●適合車種:2013年まで(BMW・R1200RT)●備考:The perfect solution for more luggage: 「Ambato Exp」!Anyone who expects more of a pillion bag than others really should take a closer look at the 「Ambato Exp」 series!With two outer pockets, a large main compartment, the elastic drawstring on the top,the all-round zipper for when you want to increase its size and the practical carrying handle, this pillion bag can cope with any challenge!In looks, it matches the other luggage solutions in the Ambato series, and is easily attached to the vehicle-specific base by means of two easy-opening zippers.Comes with two carrying handles so it can be used as a backpack or shoulder bag, and with a water-repellent cable hole on the inside,tasks such as charging electrical devices is not a problem.And that’s just a couple of the many options offered by this pillion bag! - Insert panels made from strong waterproof tarpaulin - The material that we use is not plain nylon - it is certified Cordura fabric, made in Germany, as also used for protective motorcycle clothing and expedition equipment - Sturdy body and top made from high-quality, water-resistant and abrasion-resistant 1100 dtex Cordura - Outer pockets and inserts made from 560 dtex Cordura - Waterproof coating on inside of fabric - Fluorocarbon impregnation and Teflon coating by DuPont using nanotechnology for protection against moisture, dirt, oil and fading - Washable and easy to clean - The fabric used has been tested for harmful substances and certified in accordance with OEKO-TEX Standard 100 - Reflective 3M Scotchlite panels for maximum visibility - Strong, ergonomic carry handle for practical transportation away from the bike - All-round zip for easy expansion - Made for extreme loads and built to last - Perfect fit - Securely attached but can be quickly taken off the bike - Simply zips onto attachment kit with two sturdy, large-tooth, dirt-resistant zips - Velcro strip in the middle of the base plate holds the bag securely - Carry straps for use as a shoulder bag or rucksack are included - Low-weight bag with high carrying capacity and large usable volume - Water-resistant, high-quality zips - Reflective quick-release elastic straps for quickly stowing gloves or a rain jacket - Waterproof inner bags available separately - Optional rain cover available - Flat outer pockets for easy access to the small items you need in a hurry - Large main compartment without extra subdivisions provides maximum space for individual loading - Water-resistant cable grommet for a charging cable or other power supply - Appealing, exclusive blend of materials with a refreshing design - All luggage systems are carefully hand-crafted in Germany - Soft, slip-resistant base plate ensures secure positioning and prevents paint damage - To ensure volume measurements are fair and accurate, they are taken in use with the bag fitted to the bike - they are not the result of estimates or rough calculations as is often the case.Please note: Use paint protection film if necessary!Size: (L x W x H) approx. 33 x 30 x 20/32 cm Volume: approx. 17/22 litres●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:※メーカー取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間頂きます。なお、完売の際はご了承下さい。【smtb-F】


TOURATECH ツラーテックタンクバッグ 「Ambato Pure」BMW R1200RT(-2013)/ブラック


●メーカー品番:01-047-5833-0●適合車種:2013年まで(BMW・R1200RT)●カラー:ブラック●容量:10L●備考:BMW R1200RT(-2013)に適合。車種別専用形状でライディングの妨げになりにくいタンクバッグ。各部に高品質な素材を用いた頑健な造りとなっています。簡単脱着設計。マップホルダー付属。Perfectly adapted to the shape of the tank, can be removed in seconds, large enough to hold a mobile phone, wallet and drink bottle, yet small enough to be out of the way at all times!That is our tank rucksack Ambato Pure!Made by hand in Germany from high quality Cordura, extremely robust and durable, it will meet any challenge.No matter whether for daily use, a weekend trip or a long journey, it is the ideal companion for holding the most important items. - Vehicle-specific, precisely fitting base plate for secure, play-free attachment to the bike - All luggage systems are carefully hand-crafted in Germany - Reflective 3M Scotchlite panels for maximum visibility - Organiser with small inner pocket inside the top cover for toll cards, credit cards and loops for pens or a small torch - Made for extreme loads and built to last - Reflective quick-release elastic straps for quickly stowing gloves or a rain jacket - Inner pocket with Velcro closure in top cover for maps, documents etc. - Unobstructed view of instruments and fitted navigation devices - Can be removed in seconds for refuelling - Insert panels made from strong waterproof tarpaulin - The material that we use is not plain nylon it is certified Cordura fabric, made in Germany, as also used for protective motorcycle clothing and expedition equipment - Sturdy body and top made from high-quality, water-resistant and abrasion-resistant 1100 dtex Cordura - Waterproof coating on inside of fabric - Fluorocarbon impregnation and Teflon coating by DuPont using nanotechnology for protection against moisture, dirt, oil and fading - Washable and easy to clean - The fabric used has been tested for harmful substances and certified in accordance with OEKO-TEX Standard 100 - Riveted polyethylene inserts provide inner reinforcement for excellent shape retention - Strong, ergonomic carry handle for practical transportation away from the bike - Perfect fit - Securely attached but can be quickly taken off the bike - Map pocket with Velcro fastener and large opening included - Carry straps for use as a shoulder bag or rucksack are available separately - Low-weight bag with high carrying capacity and large usable volume - Waterproof inner bags available separately - Optional rain cover available - Appealing, exclusive blend of materials with a refreshing design - No troublesome improvisation with poorly fitting 「universal」 attachment kits these luggage systems are developed specifically for each motorbike and we test the mountings as well as the durability of each product - Soft, slip-resistant base plate ensures secure positioning and prevents paint damage - To ensure volume measurements are fair and accurate, they are taken in use with the bag fitted to the bike they are not the result of estimates or rough calculations as is often the case.Please note: Use paint protection film if necessary! Size: (L x W x H) approx. 34 x 23 x 10 cm Volume: approx. 10 litres Colour: black●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:※メーカー取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間頂きます。なお、完売の際はご了承下さい。【smtb-F】


TOURATECH ツラーテックリアバッグ・ラゲッジラック用 Ambato BMW R1200RT(2014-)


●メーカー品番:01-047-5811-0●適合車種:BMW R1200RT●カラー:ブラック●サイズ:約L33×W34×H16cm●容量:約12L●備考:The perfect finish for a beautiful motorbike! Even at the very back of the bike, there is space for an elegant bag that is securely attached yet can be quickly removed, providing a place to store waterproofs, a spare pair of gloves, a breakdown kit or travel provisions. The bag’s styling integrates perfectly with the Triumph Trophy’s design and of course the tail bag ideally complements our pillion bag, the Touratech tank bag and the handlebar bag. It slides onto the luggage rack from behind and is held securely by two straps. The precision-made base plate was developed exclusively for the Triumph Trophy to ensure a perfect fit. - Vehicle-specific, precisely fitting base plate for secure, play-free attachment to the bike - Insert panels made from strong waterproof tarpaulin - The material that we use is not plain nylon - it is certified Cordura fabric, made in Germany,as also used for protective motorcycle clothing and expedition equipment - Sturdy body and top made from high-quality, water-resistant and abrasion-resistant 1100 dtex Cordura - Waterproof coating on inside of fabric - Fluorocarbon impregnation and Teflon coating by DuPont using nanotechnology for protection - Washable and easy to clean - The fabric used has been tested for harmful substances and certified in accordance with OEKO-TEX Standard 100 - Reflective 3M Scotchlite panels for maximum visibility - Made for extreme loads and built to last - Perfect fit - Securely attached but can be quickly taken off the bike - Low-weight bag with high carrying capacity and large usable volume - Water-resistant, high-quality zips - Reflective quick-release elastic straps for quickly stowing gloves or a rain jacket - Large main compartment without extra subdivisions provides maximum space for individual loading - Appealing, exclusive blend of materials with a refreshing design - All luggage systems are carefully hand-crafted in Germany - No troublesome improvisation with poorly fitting 『universal』 attachment kits - these luggage systems are developed specifically for each motorbike and we test the mountings as well as the durability of each product - Soft, slip-resistant base plate ensures secure positioning and prevents paint damage - To ensure volume measurements are fair and accurate, they are taken in use with the bag fitted to the bike - they are not the result of estimates or rough calculations as is often the case. What’s included: Please note: Use paint protection film if necessary!●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:メーカー取寄せ商品のため完売の際は納期にお時間頂きます。また、販売終了の場合もございますので予めご了承下さい。


TOURATECH ツラーテックリアバッグ・ラゲッジラック用 Ambato BMW R1200RT(2014-)


●メーカー品番:01-047-5811-0●適合車種:BMW R1200RT●カラー:ブラック●サイズ:約L33×W34×H16cm●容量:約12L●備考:The perfect finish for a beautiful motorbike! Even at the very back of the bike, there is space for an elegant bag that is securely attached yet can be quickly removed, providing a place to store waterproofs, a spare pair of gloves, a breakdown kit or travel provisions. The bag’s styling integrates perfectly with the Triumph Trophy’s design and of course the tail bag ideally complements our pillion bag, the Touratech tank bag and the handlebar bag. It slides onto the luggage rack from behind and is held securely by two straps. The precision-made base plate was developed exclusively for the Triumph Trophy to ensure a perfect fit. - Vehicle-specific, precisely fitting base plate for secure, play-free attachment to the bike - Insert panels made from strong waterproof tarpaulin - The material that we use is not plain nylon - it is certified Cordura fabric, made in Germany,as also used for protective motorcycle clothing and expedition equipment - Sturdy body and top made from high-quality, water-resistant and abrasion-resistant 1100 dtex Cordura - Waterproof coating on inside of fabric - Fluorocarbon impregnation and Teflon coating by DuPont using nanotechnology for protection - Washable and easy to clean - The fabric used has been tested for harmful substances and certified in accordance with OEKO-TEX Standard 100 - Reflective 3M Scotchlite panels for maximum visibility - Made for extreme loads and built to last - Perfect fit - Securely attached but can be quickly taken off the bike - Low-weight bag with high carrying capacity and large usable volume - Water-resistant, high-quality zips - Reflective quick-release elastic straps for quickly stowing gloves or a rain jacket - Large main compartment without extra subdivisions provides maximum space for individual loading - Appealing, exclusive blend of materials with a refreshing design - All luggage systems are carefully hand-crafted in Germany - No troublesome improvisation with poorly fitting 『universal』 attachment kits - these luggage systems are developed specifically for each motorbike and we test the mountings as well as the durability of each product - Soft, slip-resistant base plate ensures secure positioning and prevents paint damage - To ensure volume measurements are fair and accurate, they are taken in use with the bag fitted to the bike - they are not the result of estimates or rough calculations as is often the case. What’s included: Please note: Use paint protection film if necessary!●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:メーカー取寄せ商品のため完売の際は納期にお時間頂きます。また、販売終了の場合もございますので予めご了承下さい。


TOURATECH ツラーテックタンクバッグ 「Ambato Pure」BMW R1200RT(-2013)/ブラック


●メーカー品番:01-047-5833-0●適合車種:2013年まで(BMW・R1200RT)●カラー:ブラック●容量:10L●備考:BMW R1200RT(-2013)に適合。車種別専用形状でライディングの妨げになりにくいタンクバッグ。各部に高品質な素材を用いた頑健な造りとなっています。簡単脱着設計。マップホルダー付属。Perfectly adapted to the shape of the tank, can be removed in seconds, large enough to hold a mobile phone, wallet and drink bottle, yet small enough to be out of the way at all times!That is our tank rucksack Ambato Pure!Made by hand in Germany from high quality Cordura, extremely robust and durable, it will meet any challenge.No matter whether for daily use, a weekend trip or a long journey, it is the ideal companion for holding the most important items. - Vehicle-specific, precisely fitting base plate for secure, play-free attachment to the bike - All luggage systems are carefully hand-crafted in Germany - Reflective 3M Scotchlite panels for maximum visibility - Organiser with small inner pocket inside the top cover for toll cards, credit cards and loops for pens or a small torch - Made for extreme loads and built to last - Reflective quick-release elastic straps for quickly stowing gloves or a rain jacket - Inner pocket with Velcro closure in top cover for maps, documents etc. - Unobstructed view of instruments and fitted navigation devices - Can be removed in seconds for refuelling - Insert panels made from strong waterproof tarpaulin - The material that we use is not plain nylon it is certified Cordura fabric, made in Germany, as also used for protective motorcycle clothing and expedition equipment - Sturdy body and top made from high-quality, water-resistant and abrasion-resistant 1100 dtex Cordura - Waterproof coating on inside of fabric - Fluorocarbon impregnation and Teflon coating by DuPont using nanotechnology for protection against moisture, dirt, oil and fading - Washable and easy to clean - The fabric used has been tested for harmful substances and certified in accordance with OEKO-TEX Standard 100 - Riveted polyethylene inserts provide inner reinforcement for excellent shape retention - Strong, ergonomic carry handle for practical transportation away from the bike - Perfect fit - Securely attached but can be quickly taken off the bike - Map pocket with Velcro fastener and large opening included - Carry straps for use as a shoulder bag or rucksack are available separately - Low-weight bag with high carrying capacity and large usable volume - Waterproof inner bags available separately - Optional rain cover available - Appealing, exclusive blend of materials with a refreshing design - No troublesome improvisation with poorly fitting 「universal」 attachment kits these luggage systems are developed specifically for each motorbike and we test the mountings as well as the durability of each product - Soft, slip-resistant base plate ensures secure positioning and prevents paint damage - To ensure volume measurements are fair and accurate, they are taken in use with the bag fitted to the bike they are not the result of estimates or rough calculations as is often the case.Please note: Use paint protection film if necessary! Size: (L x W x H) approx. 34 x 23 x 10 cm Volume: approx. 10 litres Colour: black●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:※メーカー取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間頂きます。なお、完売の際はご了承下さい。【smtb-F】


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