2輪 ヘプコ&ベッカー サイドケースホルダー スチール 650620-0002 クローム JAN:4548664187348 BMW R1100GS


motorcycle motorbike autobicycle バイク モーターバイク モーターサイクル モーター サイクル オートバイ 2輪車 二輪 二輪車 プロト PLOT HEPCO&BECKER ツーリング&キャンプ ビーエムダブリュー ぷろと積載重量:(ケース重量含む)片側10.0kg色[カラー]:クローム加工[有/無]:取り付けには多少の加工が必要な場合がございます材質[素材]:スチール適合:R1100GSWEB結合品名:ヘプコアンドベッカー スチール クローム ツーリング&キャンプ商品の詳細な情報については、メーカーサイトでご確認ください。


2輪 ヘプコ&ベッカー トップケースホルダー スチール 650620-0101 ブラック JAN:4548664187355 BMW R1100GS


motorcycle motorbike autobicycle バイク モーターバイク モーターサイクル モーター サイクル オートバイ 2輪車 二輪 二輪車 プロト PLOT HEPCO&BECKER ツーリング&キャンプ ビーエムダブリュー ぷろと積載重量:(ケース重量含む)10.0kg色[カラー]:ブラック加工[有/無]:取り付けには多少の加工が必要な場合がございます適合:R1100GSWEB結合品名:ヘプコアンドベッカー ブラック ツーリング&キャンプ商品の詳細な情報については、メーカーサイトでご確認ください。


【送料無料】[ベンチュラ] ベースセット 車種専用 BMW / BSB016B / R1100GS、R1150GS


ベンチュラパックシステムの土台となるLブラケットとグラブハンドルの基本的なセットです。各車種専用ですので、ボルトオンで簡単に装着可能です。オプションのフレームを(パックフレームまたはスポーツラック)グラブハンドルと交換し、各タイプの専用パックを装着することで安全で確実な積載を可能とします。専用のパックはそれぞれ容量や機能が異なります。2つのパックをつなぎ合わせて使用できるタイプもありますので、使用目的に合わせてお選び下さい。Ventura Bike-Pack Systemとは?バイクのフォルムを損なわずにロングツーリングに必要な荷物を積載。Venturaは誕生の地ニュージーランドをはじめ、欧州各国、世界中のツアラーに愛用されています。従来のバイクキャリアと違い、空気力学に基づいた車種ごとの専用設計により安定感、美しさ、積載能力を兼ね備えた究極のツーリングギアです。※パックを積載するためには、以下のオプションが必要になります。別途、お求め下さい。 ●用途:ベンチュラバック取りつけ用ステー / バイクツーリング用●ベンチュラベースセット適合車種:R1100GS、R1150GS●商品名:BASE-SET / ベースセット●対応パック:エアロスパーダ、エアロデルタ、ラリーパック、スポーツパック●対応オプション:パックフレーム(PF16B)、スポーツラック(SR16B)●カラー:ブラック●備考:この商品は、Lブラケット+グラブハンドルの販売となります。パックフレーム・スポーツラック及びパックは別途お買い求め下さい。●メーカー:ベンチュラ / VENTURA"■機能説明各車種専用Lブラケット(写真のカラーはブラックです)各車種専用グラブハンドル(写真のカラーはブラックです)別売のパックフレームとパックの装着例欠品・廃盤の場合はメールにてご案内させていただきます。バイクトップ:ツーリング用品:ツーリングバッグ:リヤシートに取付けるシートバッグ:ベンチュラ/VENTURA:ベースセット/BMWツーリング用品/ツーリングバッグ/リヤシートに取付ける シートバッグ/ベンチュラ/VENTURA/ベースセット/BMW/FERODO/Ferodo/フェロード


(クーポン配布中) バグスター BMW R1100GS/R1150GS 94-03 タンクカバー レッド 1272B


メ ー カ ー バグスター[BAGSTER] 商 品 名 タンクカバー レッド 品番 1272B 商品内容 ◆フランスの優れた技術により複雑なデザインから純正の色目に近い色がラインナップ!素材のPVC(合成皮革)がノーマルのカバーにないボリューム感をかもし出します。 ◆タンクカバーにある4箇所のフィッティングにタンクバッグを固定する為、マグネット式のように振動やちょっとした事でズレたり、タンクに傷を付けたりしません。給油口もマシンに合わせてあるので、ガスチャージの際にも全く気になりません。 ※仕向け地により色が異なる場合がございますのでご了承下さい。この製品は防水ではありません。 適合 R1100GS/R1150GS 94-03 PBBM001 ∇バグスター200806241272b


(クーポン配布中) バグスター BMW R1100GS/R1150GS タンクカバー ブラック 1272U


メ ー カ ー バグスター[BAGSTER] 商 品 名 タンクカバー ブラック 品番 1272U 商品内容 ◆フランスの優れた技術により複雑なデザインから純正の色目に近い色がラインナップ!素材のPVC(合成皮革)がノーマルのカバーにないボリューム感をかもし出します。 ◆タンクカバーにある4箇所のフィッティングにタンクバッグを固定する為、マグネット式のように振動やちょっとした事でズレたり、タンクに傷を付けたりしません。給油口もマシンに合わせてあるので、ガスチャージの際にも全く気になりません。 ※仕向け地により色が異なる場合がございますのでご了承下さい。この製品は防水ではありません。 適合 R1100GS/R1150GS PBBM001 ∇バグスター200806241272u


2輪 ヘプコ&ベッカー トップケースホルダー スチール 650620-0102 クローム JAN:4548664187362 BMW R1100GS


motorcycle motorbike autobicycle バイク モーターバイク モーターサイクル モーター サイクル オートバイ 2輪車 二輪 二輪車 プロト PLOT HEPCO&BECKER ツーリング&キャンプ ビーエムダブリュー ぷろと積載重量:(ケース重量含む)10.0kg色[カラー]:クローム加工[有/無]:取り付けには多少の加工が必要な場合がございます適合:R1100GSWEB結合品名:ヘプコアンドベッカー クローム ツーリング&キャンプ商品の詳細な情報については、メーカーサイトでご確認ください。


2輪 ヘプコ&ベッカー トップケースホルダー スチール 650620-0102 クローム JAN:4548664187362 BMW R1100GS


motorcycle motorbike autobicycle バイク モーターバイク モーターサイクル モーター サイクル オートバイ 2輪車 二輪 二輪車 プロト PLOT HEPCO&BECKER ツーリング&キャンプ ビーエムダブリュー ぷろと積載重量:(ケース重量含む)10.0kg色[カラー]:クローム加工[有/無]:取り付けには多少の加工が必要な場合がございます適合:R1100GSWEB結合品名:ヘプコアンドベッカー クローム ツーリング&キャンプ商品の詳細な情報については、メーカーサイトでご確認ください。


2輪 ヘプコ&ベッカー サイドケースホルダー スチール 650620-0002 クローム JAN:4548664187348 BMW R1100GS


motorcycle motorbike autobicycle バイク モーターバイク モーターサイクル モーター サイクル オートバイ 2輪車 二輪 二輪車 プロト PLOT HEPCO&BECKER ツーリング&キャンプ ビーエムダブリュー ぷろと積載重量:(ケース重量含む)片側10.0kg色[カラー]:クローム加工[有/無]:取り付けには多少の加工が必要な場合がございます材質[素材]:スチール適合:R1100GSWEB結合品名:ヘプコアンドベッカー スチール クローム ツーリング&キャンプ商品の詳細な情報については、メーカーサイトでご確認ください。


(クーポン配布中) バグスター BMW R1100GS/R1150GS 94-03 タンクカバー ホワイト 1272C


メ ー カ ー バグスター[BAGSTER] 商 品 名 タンクカバー ホワイト 品番 1272C 商品内容 ◆フランスの優れた技術により複雑なデザインから純正の色目に近い色がラインナップ!素材のPVC(合成皮革)がノーマルのカバーにないボリューム感をかもし出します。 ◆タンクカバーにある4箇所のフィッティングにタンクバッグを固定する為、マグネット式のように振動やちょっとした事でズレたり、タンクに傷を付けたりしません。給油口もマシンに合わせてあるので、ガスチャージの際にも全く気になりません。 ※仕向け地により色が異なる場合がございますのでご了承下さい。この製品は防水ではありません。 適合 R1100GS/R1150GS 94-03 PBBM001 ∇バグスター200806241272c


2輪 ヘプコ&ベッカー トップケースホルダー スチール 650620-0101 ブラック JAN:4548664187355 BMW R1100GS


motorcycle motorbike autobicycle バイク モーターバイク モーターサイクル モーター サイクル オートバイ 2輪車 二輪 二輪車 プロト PLOT HEPCO&BECKER ツーリング&キャンプ ビーエムダブリュー ぷろと積載重量:(ケース重量含む)10.0kg色[カラー]:ブラック加工[有/無]:取り付けには多少の加工が必要な場合がございます適合:R1100GSWEB結合品名:ヘプコアンドベッカー ブラック ツーリング&キャンプ商品の詳細な情報については、メーカーサイトでご確認ください。


2輪 ヘプコ&ベッカー サイドケースホルダー スチール 650620-0001 ブラック JAN:4548664187331 BMW R1100GS/R/RS/RT/S


motorcycle motorbike autobicycle バイク モーターバイク モーターサイクル モーター サイクル オートバイ 2輪車 二輪 二輪車 プロト PLOT HEPCO&BECKER ツーリング&キャンプ ビーエムダブリュー ぷろと積載重量:(ケース重量含む)片側10.0kg色[カラー]:ブラック加工[有/無]:取り付けには多少の加工が必要な場合がございます材質[素材]:スチール適合:R1100GSWEB結合品名:ヘプコアンドベッカー スチール ブラック ツーリング&キャンプ商品の詳細な情報については、メーカーサイトでご確認ください。


TOURATECH ツラーテックZEGA-PRO2 「And-black」 アルミニウムパニアシステム 38+45L BMW R1150GS/R1100GS/R850GS(シルバーフレーム)


●メーカー品番:01-040-6037-0●適合車種:BMW R1150GS/R1100GS/R850GS●備考:The next step in evolution After Zega and Zega Pro, we have now developed the Zega Pro2. Based on the Zega Pro, its excellent properties have all been retained, but many details have also been significantly improved. The Zega Pro2 shines with its improved profile for even better operation, a carrying handle as standard and optimised ventilation. Above all, though, the pre-assembled version is an absolute revolution! It is factory-fitted with an entirely new attachment system that combines suitability with maximum ease of use, facilitating single-handed use ? you could say it’s 「Plug and play」 for fully packed aluminium panniers! There’s a single lever on the outside to operate the mechanism. The lid can stay closed when it is removed from the bike. Pannier on, click ? and go! The innovative construction in resilient stainless steel releases the catch before attachment, which means the Zega Pro2 can also cope with extreme loads. The supports for the Zega Pro2 accessories holder are also standard fittings on the pre-assembled Zega Pro2 on both sides of each pannier. They are automatically locked when the lid is closed. Panniers: - improved seal profile for precise and even easier use - carrying handle made of strong harness material as standard, lowered into the handle groove on the pannier lid so no irritation either when sitting or when securing luggage - optimised ventilation system for easy opening at high pressure differences, e.g. after going through a tunnel - including all the benefits of the award-winning Zega Pro aluminium pannier - also available in a lockable version so it can be secured with other Touratech locks Available in 3 sizes (31, 38, 45 litres) and 3 finishes (natural aluminium, anodised silver 「AND-S」 and anodised black 「AND-black」 The anodised version of the ZEGA Pro2 doesn’t just shine in its fabulous natural aluminium look, but also prevents rubbing inside the case. The ultra thick, high quality anodised layer offers very special protection for the surface and helps to prevent discoloration. Mounting: - Genuine single-handed use thanks to the pre-assembled mounting system that is fully operated from the outside - conveniently positioned release catches, in a protected position between the pannier and seat - including pre-assembled supports for all Zega Pro2 accessory holders on both sides of a pannier. The very strong construction in stainless steel and fibreglass-reinforced plastic elements provides absolute stability and reliability even under the toughest conditions. The new fixation system further reinforces the overall pannier system. Zega Pro2 panniers will fit on almost any Touratech pannier racks. Their special construction offers the option for balancing out any tolerances. Pannier frame - Stainless steel rack - sturdy connecting bar - overall width: 104 cm Robust steel pannier frame made from 18mm diameter stainless steel tube with a 2mm thick wall. Bolted crosspiece for better rigidity. Mounting easy to fit. Uses standard mounting points. No modifications to rear footrests. Mounting bolts are included. Delivery schedule of the system: 1 x aluminium pannier Zega Pro2 *And-Black* 38 litres 1 x aluminium pannier Zega Pro2 *And-Black* 45 litres 1 x pannier rack including mounting hardware 1 x Integral locks set for Zega Pro2 release catches with 2 simultaneous locking (01-050-3300-0)●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:※メーカー取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間頂きます。なお、完売の際はご了承下さい。【smtb-F】


TOURATECH ツラーテックZEGA-PRO2 「And-black」 アルミニウムパニアシステム 38+45L BMW R1150GS/R1100GS/R850GS(シルバーフレーム)


●メーカー品番:01-040-6037-0●適合車種:BMW R1150GS/R1100GS/R850GS●備考:The next step in evolution After Zega and Zega Pro, we have now developed the Zega Pro2. Based on the Zega Pro, its excellent properties have all been retained, but many details have also been significantly improved. The Zega Pro2 shines with its improved profile for even better operation, a carrying handle as standard and optimised ventilation. Above all, though, the pre-assembled version is an absolute revolution! It is factory-fitted with an entirely new attachment system that combines suitability with maximum ease of use, facilitating single-handed use ? you could say it’s 「Plug and play」 for fully packed aluminium panniers! There’s a single lever on the outside to operate the mechanism. The lid can stay closed when it is removed from the bike. Pannier on, click ? and go! The innovative construction in resilient stainless steel releases the catch before attachment, which means the Zega Pro2 can also cope with extreme loads. The supports for the Zega Pro2 accessories holder are also standard fittings on the pre-assembled Zega Pro2 on both sides of each pannier. They are automatically locked when the lid is closed. Panniers: - improved seal profile for precise and even easier use - carrying handle made of strong harness material as standard, lowered into the handle groove on the pannier lid so no irritation either when sitting or when securing luggage - optimised ventilation system for easy opening at high pressure differences, e.g. after going through a tunnel - including all the benefits of the award-winning Zega Pro aluminium pannier - also available in a lockable version so it can be secured with other Touratech locks Available in 3 sizes (31, 38, 45 litres) and 3 finishes (natural aluminium, anodised silver 「AND-S」 and anodised black 「AND-black」 The anodised version of the ZEGA Pro2 doesn’t just shine in its fabulous natural aluminium look, but also prevents rubbing inside the case. The ultra thick, high quality anodised layer offers very special protection for the surface and helps to prevent discoloration. Mounting: - Genuine single-handed use thanks to the pre-assembled mounting system that is fully operated from the outside - conveniently positioned release catches, in a protected position between the pannier and seat - including pre-assembled supports for all Zega Pro2 accessory holders on both sides of a pannier. The very strong construction in stainless steel and fibreglass-reinforced plastic elements provides absolute stability and reliability even under the toughest conditions. The new fixation system further reinforces the overall pannier system. Zega Pro2 panniers will fit on almost any Touratech pannier racks. Their special construction offers the option for balancing out any tolerances. Pannier frame - Stainless steel rack - sturdy connecting bar - overall width: 104 cm Robust steel pannier frame made from 18mm diameter stainless steel tube with a 2mm thick wall. Bolted crosspiece for better rigidity. Mounting easy to fit. Uses standard mounting points. No modifications to rear footrests. Mounting bolts are included. Delivery schedule of the system: 1 x aluminium pannier Zega Pro2 *And-Black* 38 litres 1 x aluminium pannier Zega Pro2 *And-Black* 45 litres 1 x pannier rack including mounting hardware 1 x Integral locks set for Zega Pro2 release catches with 2 simultaneous locking (01-050-3300-0)●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:※メーカー取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間頂きます。なお、完売の際はご了承下さい。【smtb-F】


TOURATECH ツラーテックZEGA-PRO2 「And-S」 アルミニウムパニアシステム 38+45L BMW R1150GS/R1100GS/R850GS(シルバーフレーム)


●メーカー品番:01-040-6036-0●適合車種:BMW R1150GS/R1100GS/R850GS●備考:The next step in evolution After Zega and Zega Pro, we have now developed the Zega Pro2. Based on the Zega Pro, its excellent properties have all been retained, but many details have also been significantly improved. The Zega Pro2 shines with its improved profile for even better operation, a carrying handle as standard and optimised ventilation. Above all, though, the pre-assembled version is an absolute revolution! It is factory-fitted with an entirely new attachment system that combines suitability with maximum ease of use, facilitating single-handed use ? you could say it’s 「Plug and play」 for fully packed aluminium panniers! There’s a single lever on the outside to operate the mechanism. The lid can stay closed when it is removed from the bike. Pannier on, click ? and go! The innovative construction in resilient stainless steel releases the catch before attachment, which means the Zega Pro2 can also cope with extreme loads. The supports for the Zega Pro2 accessories holder are also standard fittings on the pre-assembled Zega Pro2 on both sides of each pannier. They are automatically locked when the lid is closed. Panniers: - improved seal profile for precise and even easier use - carrying handle made of strong harness material as standard, lowered into the handle groove on the pannier lid so no irritation either when sitting or when securing luggage - optimised ventilation system for easy opening at high pressure differences, e.g. after going through a tunnel - including all the benefits of the award-winning Zega Pro aluminium pannier - also available in a lockable version so it can be secured with other Touratech locks Available in 3 sizes (31, 38, 45 litres) and 3 finishes (natural aluminium, anodised silver 「AND-S」 and anodised black 「AND-black」 The anodised version of the ZEGA Pro2 doesn’t just shine in its fabulous natural aluminium look, but also prevents rubbing inside the case. The ultra thick, high quality anodised layer offers very special protection for the surface and helps to prevent discoloration. Mounting: - Genuine single-handed use thanks to the pre-assembled mounting system that is fully operated from the outside - conveniently positioned release catches, in a protected position between the pannier and seat - including pre-assembled supports for all Zega Pro2 accessory holders on both sides of a pannier. The very strong construction in stainless steel and fibreglass-reinforced plastic elements provides absolute stability and reliability even under the toughest conditions. The new fixation system further reinforces the overall pannier system. Zega Pro2 panniers will fit on almost any Touratech pannier racks. Their special construction offers the option for balancing out any tolerances. Pannier frame - Stainless steel rack - sturdy connecting bar - overall width: 104 cm Robust steel pannier frame made from 18mm diameter stainless steel tube with a 2mm thick wall. Bolted crosspiece for better rigidity. Mounting easy to fit. Uses standard mounting points. No modifications to rear footrests. Mounting bolts are included. Delivery schedule of the system: 1 x aluminium pannier Zega Pro2 *And-S* 38 litres 1 x aluminium pannier Zega Pro2 *And-S* 45 litres 1 x pannier rack including mounting hardware 1 x Integral locks set for Zega Pro2 release catches with 2 simultaneous locking (01-050-3300-0)●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:※メーカー取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間頂きます。なお、完売の際はご了承下さい。【smtb-F】


TOURATECH ツラーテックZEGA-PRO2 「And-S」 アルミニウムパニアシステム 38+45L BMW R1150GS/R1100GS/R850GS(シルバーフレーム)


●メーカー品番:01-040-6036-0●適合車種:BMW R1150GS/R1100GS/R850GS●備考:The next step in evolution After Zega and Zega Pro, we have now developed the Zega Pro2. Based on the Zega Pro, its excellent properties have all been retained, but many details have also been significantly improved. The Zega Pro2 shines with its improved profile for even better operation, a carrying handle as standard and optimised ventilation. Above all, though, the pre-assembled version is an absolute revolution! It is factory-fitted with an entirely new attachment system that combines suitability with maximum ease of use, facilitating single-handed use ? you could say it’s 「Plug and play」 for fully packed aluminium panniers! There’s a single lever on the outside to operate the mechanism. The lid can stay closed when it is removed from the bike. Pannier on, click ? and go! The innovative construction in resilient stainless steel releases the catch before attachment, which means the Zega Pro2 can also cope with extreme loads. The supports for the Zega Pro2 accessories holder are also standard fittings on the pre-assembled Zega Pro2 on both sides of each pannier. They are automatically locked when the lid is closed. Panniers: - improved seal profile for precise and even easier use - carrying handle made of strong harness material as standard, lowered into the handle groove on the pannier lid so no irritation either when sitting or when securing luggage - optimised ventilation system for easy opening at high pressure differences, e.g. after going through a tunnel - including all the benefits of the award-winning Zega Pro aluminium pannier - also available in a lockable version so it can be secured with other Touratech locks Available in 3 sizes (31, 38, 45 litres) and 3 finishes (natural aluminium, anodised silver 「AND-S」 and anodised black 「AND-black」 The anodised version of the ZEGA Pro2 doesn’t just shine in its fabulous natural aluminium look, but also prevents rubbing inside the case. The ultra thick, high quality anodised layer offers very special protection for the surface and helps to prevent discoloration. Mounting: - Genuine single-handed use thanks to the pre-assembled mounting system that is fully operated from the outside - conveniently positioned release catches, in a protected position between the pannier and seat - including pre-assembled supports for all Zega Pro2 accessory holders on both sides of a pannier. The very strong construction in stainless steel and fibreglass-reinforced plastic elements provides absolute stability and reliability even under the toughest conditions. The new fixation system further reinforces the overall pannier system. Zega Pro2 panniers will fit on almost any Touratech pannier racks. Their special construction offers the option for balancing out any tolerances. Pannier frame - Stainless steel rack - sturdy connecting bar - overall width: 104 cm Robust steel pannier frame made from 18mm diameter stainless steel tube with a 2mm thick wall. Bolted crosspiece for better rigidity. Mounting easy to fit. Uses standard mounting points. No modifications to rear footrests. Mounting bolts are included. Delivery schedule of the system: 1 x aluminium pannier Zega Pro2 *And-S* 38 litres 1 x aluminium pannier Zega Pro2 *And-S* 45 litres 1 x pannier rack including mounting hardware 1 x Integral locks set for Zega Pro2 release catches with 2 simultaneous locking (01-050-3300-0)●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:※メーカー取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間頂きます。なお、完売の際はご了承下さい。【smtb-F】


2輪 ヘプコ&ベッカー サイドケースホルダー スチール 650620-0001 ブラック JAN:4548664187331 BMW R1100GS/R/RS/RT/S


motorcycle motorbike autobicycle バイク モーターバイク モーターサイクル モーター サイクル オートバイ 2輪車 二輪 二輪車 プロト PLOT HEPCO&BECKER ツーリング&キャンプ ビーエムダブリュー ぷろと積載重量:(ケース重量含む)片側10.0kg色[カラー]:ブラック加工[有/無]:取り付けには多少の加工が必要な場合がございます材質[素材]:スチール適合:R1100GSWEB結合品名:ヘプコアンドベッカー スチール ブラック ツーリング&キャンプ商品の詳細な情報については、メーカーサイトでご確認ください。


TOURATECH ツラーテックZEGA-PRO2 アルミニウムパニアシステム 38+45L BMW R1150GS/R1100GS/R850GS(シルバーフレーム)


●メーカー品番:01-040-6035-0●適合車種:BMW R1150GS/R1100GS/R850GS●備考:The next step in evolution After Zega and Zega Pro, we have now developed the Zega Pro2. Based on the Zega Pro, its excellent properties have all been retained, but many details have also been significantly improved. The Zega Pro2 shines with its improved profile for even better operation, a carrying handle as standard and optimised ventilation. Above all, though, the pre-assembled version is an absolute revolution! It is factory-fitted with an entirely new attachment system that combines suitability with maximum ease of use, facilitating single-handed use ? you could say it’s 「Plug and play」 for fully packed aluminium panniers! There’s a single lever on the outside to operate the mechanism. The lid can stay closed when it is removed from the bike. Pannier on, click ? and go! The innovative construction in resilient stainless steel releases the catch before attachment, which means the Zega Pro2 can also cope with extreme loads. The supports for the Zega Pro2 accessories holder are also standard fittings on the pre-assembled Zega Pro2 on both sides of each pannier. They are automatically locked when the lid is closed. Panniers: - improved seal profile for precise and even easier use - carrying handle made of strong harness material as standard, lowered into the handle groove on the pannier lid so no irritation either when sitting or when securing luggage - optimised ventilation system for easy opening at high pressure differences, e.g. after going through a tunnel - including all the benefits of the award-winning Zega Pro aluminium pannier - also available in a lockable version so it can be secured with other Touratech locks Available in 3 sizes (31, 38, 45 litres) and 3 finishes (natural aluminium, anodised silver 「AND-S」 and anodised black 「AND-black」 The anodised version of the ZEGA Pro2 doesn’t just shine in its fabulous natural aluminium look, but also prevents rubbing inside the case. The ultra thick, high quality anodised layer offers very special protection for the surface and helps to prevent discoloration. Mounting: - Genuine single-handed use thanks to the pre-assembled mounting system that is fully operated from the outside - conveniently positioned release catches, in a protected position between the pannier and seat - including pre-assembled supports for all Zega Pro2 accessory holders on both sides of a pannier. The very strong construction in stainless steel and fibreglass-reinforced plastic elements provides absolute stability and reliability even under the toughest conditions. The new fixation system further reinforces the overall pannier system. Zega Pro2 panniers will fit on almost any Touratech pannier racks. Their special construction offers the option for balancing out any tolerances. Pannier frame - Stainless steel rack - sturdy connecting bar - overall width: 104 cm Robust steel pannier frame made from 18mm diameter stainless steel tube with a 2mm thick wall. Bolted crosspiece for better rigidity. Mounting easy to fit. Uses standard mounting points. No modifications to rear footrests. Mounting bolts are included. Delivery schedule of the system: 1 x aluminium pannier Zega Pro2 38 litres 1 x aluminium pannier Zega Pro2 45 litres 1 x pannier rack including mounting hardware 1 x Integral locks set for Zega Pro2 release catches with 2 simultaneous locking (01-050-3300-0)●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:※メーカー取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間頂きます。なお、完売の際はご了承下さい。【smtb-F】


TOURATECH ツラーテックZEGA-PRO2 アルミニウムパニアシステム 38+45L BMW R1150GS/R1100GS/R850GS(シルバーフレーム)


●メーカー品番:01-040-6035-0●適合車種:BMW R1150GS/R1100GS/R850GS●備考:The next step in evolution After Zega and Zega Pro, we have now developed the Zega Pro2. Based on the Zega Pro, its excellent properties have all been retained, but many details have also been significantly improved. The Zega Pro2 shines with its improved profile for even better operation, a carrying handle as standard and optimised ventilation. Above all, though, the pre-assembled version is an absolute revolution! It is factory-fitted with an entirely new attachment system that combines suitability with maximum ease of use, facilitating single-handed use ? you could say it’s 「Plug and play」 for fully packed aluminium panniers! There’s a single lever on the outside to operate the mechanism. The lid can stay closed when it is removed from the bike. Pannier on, click ? and go! The innovative construction in resilient stainless steel releases the catch before attachment, which means the Zega Pro2 can also cope with extreme loads. The supports for the Zega Pro2 accessories holder are also standard fittings on the pre-assembled Zega Pro2 on both sides of each pannier. They are automatically locked when the lid is closed. Panniers: - improved seal profile for precise and even easier use - carrying handle made of strong harness material as standard, lowered into the handle groove on the pannier lid so no irritation either when sitting or when securing luggage - optimised ventilation system for easy opening at high pressure differences, e.g. after going through a tunnel - including all the benefits of the award-winning Zega Pro aluminium pannier - also available in a lockable version so it can be secured with other Touratech locks Available in 3 sizes (31, 38, 45 litres) and 3 finishes (natural aluminium, anodised silver 「AND-S」 and anodised black 「AND-black」 The anodised version of the ZEGA Pro2 doesn’t just shine in its fabulous natural aluminium look, but also prevents rubbing inside the case. The ultra thick, high quality anodised layer offers very special protection for the surface and helps to prevent discoloration. Mounting: - Genuine single-handed use thanks to the pre-assembled mounting system that is fully operated from the outside - conveniently positioned release catches, in a protected position between the pannier and seat - including pre-assembled supports for all Zega Pro2 accessory holders on both sides of a pannier. The very strong construction in stainless steel and fibreglass-reinforced plastic elements provides absolute stability and reliability even under the toughest conditions. The new fixation system further reinforces the overall pannier system. Zega Pro2 panniers will fit on almost any Touratech pannier racks. Their special construction offers the option for balancing out any tolerances. Pannier frame - Stainless steel rack - sturdy connecting bar - overall width: 104 cm Robust steel pannier frame made from 18mm diameter stainless steel tube with a 2mm thick wall. Bolted crosspiece for better rigidity. Mounting easy to fit. Uses standard mounting points. No modifications to rear footrests. Mounting bolts are included. Delivery schedule of the system: 1 x aluminium pannier Zega Pro2 38 litres 1 x aluminium pannier Zega Pro2 45 litres 1 x pannier rack including mounting hardware 1 x Integral locks set for Zega Pro2 release catches with 2 simultaneous locking (01-050-3300-0)●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:※メーカー取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間頂きます。なお、完売の際はご了承下さい。【smtb-F】


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