●メーカー品番:01-617-5902-0●適合付帯条件:2007年以降(スズキ・GSX1250FA/Bandit 1250/Bandit 650)●備考:One thing that everyone agrees on is that you get a lot of bike for your money with Suzuki’s GSX1250F and Bandit series models. But to offer these machines at such low prices, the manufacturer has to economise somewhere.Unfortunately this affects one of the bike’s most important components - the seat! Our comfort seats feature high-strength, anatomically shaped foam and sweat-resistant non-slip cover material to alleviate problems with seating discomfort and leg pains on even the longest trips. Both you and your passenger can enjoy the journey to the full and arrive at your destination feeling relaxed and rested.This high quality seat is supplied complete and ready-to-fit - there is no delay waiting for reupholstery work. It does not require any modifications to your motorbike and simply replaces the original seat, which you can keep. Features: - Anatomically shaped based on extensive test riding in Germany - Our proprietary high-strength foam provides superior cushioning to prevent pressure sores- Even weight distribution plus optimised contact with the bike equals perfect control- Bi-elastic, sweat-resistant 「sand effect」 covering material with sealed seams- Hollowed recess in the middle of the seat relieves coccyx pressure- Specially contoured pillion seat prevents slippage when braking and accelerating - Available in different heights- Seams are optimally positioned to avoid creating pressure points on the seat- Suitable for long-distance touring- Standard seat height adjustment is retained - You can either use the rubber stops that are fitted to the underside of the original seat, or you can order an extra set from your dealer- You will need to use the locking mechanism from the original seat- Top quality materials manufactured to the highest standards- Seats are modular, i.e. they fit together with the original rider or pillion seat- Made in Germany※本商品は現在、世界中からの需要に生産が間に合わずご注文後に一時バックオーダーとなるケースがございます。その場合、納期が数週間ほど延びる事もございますので、恐れ入りますがどうぞ予めご了承願います。●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:メーカー取寄せ商品のため完売の際は納期にお時間頂きます。また、販売終了の場合もございますので予めご了承下さい。【smtb-F】

●メーカー品番:01-617-5902-0●適合付帯条件:2007年以降(スズキ・GSX1250FA/Bandit 1250/Bandit 650)●備考:One thing that everyone agrees on is that you get a lot of bike for your money with Suzuki’s GSX1250F and Bandit series models. But to offer these machines at such low prices, the manufacturer has to economise somewhere.Unfortunately this affects one of the bike’s most important components - the seat! Our comfort seats feature high-strength, anatomically shaped foam and sweat-resistant non-slip cover material to alleviate problems with seating discomfort and leg pains on even the longest trips. Both you and your passenger can enjoy the journey to the full and arrive at your destination feeling relaxed and rested.This high quality seat is supplied complete and ready-to-fit - there is no delay waiting for reupholstery work. It does not require any modifications to your motorbike and simply replaces the original seat, which you can keep. Features: - Anatomically shaped based on extensive test riding in Germany - Our proprietary high-strength foam provides superior cushioning to prevent pressure sores- Even weight distribution plus optimised contact with the bike equals perfect control- Bi-elastic, sweat-resistant 「sand effect」 covering material with sealed seams- Hollowed recess in the middle of the seat relieves coccyx pressure- Specially contoured pillion seat prevents slippage when braking and accelerating - Available in different heights- Seams are optimally positioned to avoid creating pressure points on the seat- Suitable for long-distance touring- Standard seat height adjustment is retained - You can either use the rubber stops that are fitted to the underside of the original seat, or you can order an extra set from your dealer- You will need to use the locking mechanism from the original seat- Top quality materials manufactured to the highest standards- Seats are modular, i.e. they fit together with the original rider or pillion seat- Made in Germany※本商品は現在、世界中からの需要に生産が間に合わずご注文後に一時バックオーダーとなるケースがございます。その場合、納期が数週間ほど延びる事もございますので、恐れ入りますがどうぞ予めご了承願います。●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:メーカー取寄せ商品のため完売の際は納期にお時間頂きます。また、販売終了の場合もございますので予めご了承下さい。【smtb-F】

ハイシート45100-11J60-KCJ¥18,480(消費税込み)【本体価格¥17,600(消費税抜き)】※標準装備品を取り外して装着します。※着座面が約20mm高くなります。補足返品交換 不可この商品はお取りよせとなりまして購入出来ましても完売、仕様変更の場合もございます。予めご了承ください。

商品内容 商品名 アルバ SCH3015-C10 国産シートカバー 黒張替タイプ スズキ ハイアップ/R 状態 新品未使用 内容 【黒】張替タイプALBA(アルバ)国産シートカバーは完全国内生産型の精度が非常に優れていますまた、素材(表皮)選びは慎重に行っており、交換後も非常にキレイに仕上がります生産を国内にする事により、高度な品質管理を可能にしました本製品はエアタッカーで張り返る仕様にする事により、プロの方も納得のいく最高品質になっています張替はエアタッカーで行って下さい商品画像はイメージです実際の商品と色見本が異なる場合が御座います革製品の都合上、仕入れ毎に生地の質感や色が若干異なりますので製品の仕上がりは弊社の最良の範囲内での制作となります本製品にはタッカー張替えタイプとゴムで被せるタイプの2種類の製品が御座いますが、画像では仕様毎の差別は表現しておりませんのでご注意下さい適合車種:ハイアップ/Rご注文確定後のキャンセル、返品及び交換不可。画像はイメージ画像となります。必ず適合(車種・年式・型式など)をご確認の上、ご注文下さい。商品の詳細な情報については、メーカーサイト(www.autoalba.co.jp/)でご確認ください。一部の商品はメーカー取り寄せ商品も御座います。 ご注意 人気商品に付き稀に在庫を切らす事があります。お急ぎの方は必ず,在庫の確認をお願いします。お使いのPCや携帯電話などの環境により画像の商品と若干の色目が異なる事があります。ご了承ください。 配送方法 佐川急便のみ対応しております。一部離島等はこちらの都合で日本郵便で発送する場合も御座います。アルバ SCH3015-C10 国産シートカバー 黒張替タイプ スズキ ハイアップ/R