TOURATECH ツラーテック【FJR1300A用】キセノンサイドライト(左) Yamaha FJR 1300A 「STREETLINE」
●メーカー品番:01-613-0110-0●適合付帯条件:ヤマハ・FJR1300A●備考:The xenon headlight is the perfect complement to our auxiliary fog light. Used in conjunction with the full headlight, it turns night into day! The different light temperature and scatter angle, which is controlled by a lens, create an amazing illumination of the road and the surrounding environment. So you can turn night into day - and wont ever want to be without this additional headlight again when driving at night. Carries the E test mark.01-613-0110-0●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:メーカー取寄せ商品のため完売の際は納期にお時間頂きます。また、販売終了の場合もございますので予めご了承下さい。【smtb-F】