TOURATECH ツラーテック【タイガーエクスプローラー用】フォグサイドライト(右) Triumph Tiger Explorer
●メーカー品番:01-422-5476-0●適合付帯条件:トライアンフ・Tiger Explorer●備考:Touratech’s auxiliary fog light for the Triumph Tiger Explorer looks the same as the xenon headlight and dramatically improves your safety in rain, fog and snow. The high-output lamp delivers a bright piercing light that also helps illuminate the sides of the road at night. Both the xenon headlight and fog light can be fitted together on your motorbike if desired. Both lights carry the T?V test mark so there’s no need to have your registration documents updated (where applicable).●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:※メーカー取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間頂きます。なお、完売の際はご了承下さい。【smtb-F】