■商品番号ETR66-SSO-Stainles-CARBINE■商品概要パワーコーン(POWER CONE) スリップオンマフラー素材:ステンレススチール(Stainless Steel)■適合車種▼TRIUMPHSPEEDTRIPLE [スピードトリプル] 08-10■詳細説明ROAD LEGAL TRACK SYSTEM Power cone is our road legal track system. Its distinctive flared oval construction is strictly functional; the extra ground clearance enabling racers to achieve extreme lean angles to fully exploit the limits of both tyres and chassis. A by-product of the unique shape is a characteristic sound which will be familiar to any rider used to frequenting race tracks. Power cone is a free-breathing pipe returning solid power gains throughout the entire rev range. Just remember to get your new hero blobs on order.■注意点※1本出しとなります。※車検の適合に関しては保障致しかねます。公道走行不可