TOURATECH ツラーテック【F800GS用】LEDayFlex デイタイムライト BMW F800GS(-2012)


●メーカー品番:01-048-0286-0●適合付帯条件:2012年まで(BMW・F800GS)●備考:Increased safety and cool design now available for motorbikes too!Unmissable - powerful - dominant - LEDayFlexThe LEDayFlex daytime running lights system that we use is accommodated in a specially developed body for optimum mounting on the BMW. We have combined advanced design and innovative lighting technology into a perfect unit.Highlights at a glance:- 30x longer lasting than an H7 bulb- A row of brilliant white lights- 5 lamps in one unit - Each lamp has 5 diodes and one high-power LED- Lentil-shaped, computer-designed lens- Metal housing protects lamp and gives best heat dissipation- Low power consumption at just 8 watts (approx.)Delivery without German TUV Type Approval. Please observe applicable road vehicle (construction and use) regulations as well as EC/ECE Directives and applicable laws in your country.Note: BMW F800GS up to 2012※付属のスイッチはデイタイムライトの輝度を2段階で調整させます。ヘッドライトは常時点灯です。●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:メーカー取寄せ商品のため完売の際は納期にお時間頂きます。また、販売終了の場合もございますので予めご了承下さい。【smtb-F】


TOURATECH ツラーテック【F800GS用】LEDayFlex デイタイムライト BMW F800GS(-2012)


●メーカー品番:01-048-0286-0●適合付帯条件:2012年まで(BMW・F800GS)●備考:Increased safety and cool design now available for motorbikes too!Unmissable - powerful - dominant - LEDayFlexThe LEDayFlex daytime running lights system that we use is accommodated in a specially developed body for optimum mounting on the BMW. We have combined advanced design and innovative lighting technology into a perfect unit.Highlights at a glance:- 30x longer lasting than an H7 bulb- A row of brilliant white lights- 5 lamps in one unit - Each lamp has 5 diodes and one high-power LED- Lentil-shaped, computer-designed lens- Metal housing protects lamp and gives best heat dissipation- Low power consumption at just 8 watts (approx.)Delivery without German TUV Type Approval. Please observe applicable road vehicle (construction and use) regulations as well as EC/ECE Directives and applicable laws in your country.Note: BMW F800GS up to 2012※付属のスイッチはデイタイムライトの輝度を2段階で調整させます。ヘッドライトは常時点灯です。●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:メーカー取寄せ商品のため完売の際は納期にお時間頂きます。また、販売終了の場合もございますので予めご了承下さい。【smtb-F】


【BMW F800GS】 Absolute HIDヘッドライト ボルトオンキット


■商品番号HR2B29■商品概要色温度:4300Kバルブタイプ:H7(LOW)■適合車種▼BMWF800GS 10 F650GS 10 ■詳細説明【Absolute(絶対的完全)】その名の通りアブソリュート社が開発する商品は確かな技術力と多くの経験に裏打ちされた品質を持ちます。そして同社がプロデュースするHIDヘッドライトシステムは安全性・確実性などの点において常に業界をリードし続けています。その品質はストリートのみならず、8時間耐久レースでのワークスレーサーへの供給やパリ・ダカールラリーへの供給など数々の実績をもって証明され、多くのライダーから絶大な信頼を得ています。・世界最小最軽量(※1)・機器搭載スペースが限られてしまう二輪車にも簡単にHIDを取付られる様コントローラ及びイグナイターは世界最小、最軽量を実現。車体側の狭いスペースに設置出来る幅を拡げています。(※1)分離型HIDに於いて2003年7月調べ・HIDを安全にご使用いただくための機能を搭載・ 給電停止万が一の事故等の時にもしっかり働き、配線のショートやバルブ破損による開放検知を行い確実にHIDへの給電を停止します。・ 防水コントローラ及びイグナイターは車体のあらゆる場所に取り付けられる事を想定して設計。防水レベルは丸ごと水没させても問題の無いレベルを確保しています。・ 電気環境性能電源瞬断(1ms)が起こった場合も点灯を維持、さらに車体側のサージ電圧(JASO D0001)が入力された場合もコントローラが破壊される事はありません。・ 起動可能電圧をさらに低下起動可能電圧は従来型と比べさらに低下。8.5Vの電圧があれば点灯可能です。・コストと信頼性を高次元で両立・ 二輪車の過酷な環境にも耐えられるユニット重要保安部品であるヘッドライトの点灯を維持させるために振動、衝撃、固定強度、熱及び水に対して強固な仕様となっています。・ さらに高まったコストパフォーマンス性能を向上させながら構成部品を見直し、さらにお求めやすい価格を実現。・車検対応(※2)・ 全数フォーカス試験後出荷アブソリュートHIDバルブ(別売)は全数フォーカス試験後出荷。安心して車検(※2)に対応できます。・ 厳重な色度管理HIDバルブを車検対応させるためには色度(投光色)をJISで定める白色範囲に収めなければなりません。アブソリュートHIDバルブ(別売)は厳重な色度管理を行い常に安定した色度で製造されています。(※2)年式とバルブの組み合わせによっては非対応となる場合がございます。・安心設計・ 車種専用ボルトオンキットアブソリュートでは車種専用のブラケット及び専用ハーネスを用いたボルトオンキットをラインナップしています。バルブは付くのか?コントローラやイグナイターの設置場所は?等悩む必要はありませんカウルの脱着は出来るレベルの方でしたら簡単に取付可能です。■注意点※2006年(平成18年)1月1日以降に製造された車両においては、3100Kのバルブを前照灯として使用することはできません。※ETCとの同時装着を行う場合は、ETCユニットとHIDキットの配線を5cm以上離して装着してください。※商品画像のイグナイター・コントローラーは旧タイプのものです。出荷される製品はモデルチェンジで新型となっています。


【BMW F800GS】 Absolute HIDヘッドライト ボルトオンキット


■商品番号HR2B296■商品概要色温度:6500Kバルブタイプ:H7(LOW)■適合車種▼BMWF800GS 10 F650GS 10 ■詳細説明【Absolute(絶対的完全)】その名の通りアブソリュート社が開発する商品は確かな技術力と多くの経験に裏打ちされた品質を持ちます。そして同社がプロデュースするHIDヘッドライトシステムは安全性・確実性などの点において常に業界をリードし続けています。その品質はストリートのみならず、8時間耐久レースでのワークスレーサーへの供給やパリ・ダカールラリーへの供給など数々の実績をもって証明され、多くのライダーから絶大な信頼を得ています。・世界最小最軽量(※1)・機器搭載スペースが限られてしまう二輪車にも簡単にHIDを取付られる様コントローラ及びイグナイターは世界最小、最軽量を実現。車体側の狭いスペースに設置出来る幅を拡げています。(※1)分離型HIDに於いて2003年7月調べ・HIDを安全にご使用いただくための機能を搭載・ 給電停止万が一の事故等の時にもしっかり働き、配線のショートやバルブ破損による開放検知を行い確実にHIDへの給電を停止します。・ 防水コントローラ及びイグナイターは車体のあらゆる場所に取り付けられる事を想定して設計。防水レベルは丸ごと水没させても問題の無いレベルを確保しています。・ 電気環境性能電源瞬断(1ms)が起こった場合も点灯を維持、さらに車体側のサージ電圧(JASO D0001)が入力された場合もコントローラが破壊される事はありません。・ 起動可能電圧をさらに低下起動可能電圧は従来型と比べさらに低下。8.5Vの電圧があれば点灯可能です。・コストと信頼性を高次元で両立・ 二輪車の過酷な環境にも耐えられるユニット重要保安部品であるヘッドライトの点灯を維持させるために振動、衝撃、固定強度、熱及び水に対して強固な仕様となっています。・ さらに高まったコストパフォーマンス性能を向上させながら構成部品を見直し、さらにお求めやすい価格を実現。・車検対応(※2)・ 全数フォーカス試験後出荷アブソリュートHIDバルブ(別売)は全数フォーカス試験後出荷。安心して車検(※2)に対応できます。・ 厳重な色度管理HIDバルブを車検対応させるためには色度(投光色)をJISで定める白色範囲に収めなければなりません。アブソリュートHIDバルブ(別売)は厳重な色度管理を行い常に安定した色度で製造されています。(※2)年式とバルブの組み合わせによっては非対応となる場合がございます。・安心設計・ 車種専用ボルトオンキットアブソリュートでは車種専用のブラケット及び専用ハーネスを用いたボルトオンキットをラインナップしています。バルブは付くのか?コントローラやイグナイターの設置場所は?等悩む必要はありませんカウルの脱着は出来るレベルの方でしたら簡単に取付可能です。■注意点※2006年(平成18年)1月1日以降に製造された車両においては、3100Kのバルブを前照灯として使用することはできません。※ETCとの同時装着を行う場合は、ETCユニットとHIDキットの配線を5cm以上離して装着してください。※商品画像のイグナイター・コントローラーは旧タイプのものです。出荷される製品はモデルチェンジで新型となっています。


TOURATECH ツラーテック【F800GS用】ヘッドライトプロテクター(ステンレス)クイックリリース版 BMW F650GS(Twin)/F700GS/F800GS/F800GS Adventure


●メーカー品番:01-048-5096-0●適合付帯条件:BMW・F650GS(Twin)/F700GS/F800GS/F800GS Adventure●備考:Our headlight protector has been thoroughly tried and tested over the years - we’ve sold thousands. Even the biggest stones won’t be able to damage your headlight with this! New durable stainless steel model now available with quick release fastener! Now you can clip on the headlight protector and detach it again as needed. Just bolt the stable and secure side struts. And of course the protector comes with everything you need to fit it. This headlight protector has been developed for OFF-ROAD use and is not approved for street use. For BMW F800GS: for all years of construction!●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:※メーカー取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間頂きます。なお、完売の際はご了承下さい。


TOURATECH ツラーテック【F800GS用】ヘッドライトプロテクター(ステンレス)クイックリリース版 BMW F650GS(Twin)/F700GS/F800GS/F800GS Adventure


●メーカー品番:01-048-5096-0●適合付帯条件:BMW・F650GS(Twin)/F700GS/F800GS/F800GS Adventure●備考:Our headlight protector has been thoroughly tried and tested over the years - we’ve sold thousands. Even the biggest stones won’t be able to damage your headlight with this! New durable stainless steel model now available with quick release fastener! Now you can clip on the headlight protector and detach it again as needed. Just bolt the stable and secure side struts. And of course the protector comes with everything you need to fit it. This headlight protector has been developed for OFF-ROAD use and is not approved for street use. For BMW F800GS: for all years of construction!●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:※メーカー取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間頂きます。なお、完売の際はご了承下さい。


TOURATECH ツラーテック【F800GSアドベンチャー用】LEDフォグライト 【右】フォグライト【左】ハイビーム BMW F800GS(2013-)/F800GS Adventure


●メーカー品番:01-048-5484-0●適合付帯条件:2013年以降(BMW・F800GS)、BMW・F800GS Adventure●備考:Enjoy all the benefits of modern LED technology on your motorbike! Kill several birds with one stone with the Touratech LED auxiliary headlights: greater active safety: - better illumination of the field of vision with a much clearer light/dark boundary - lowest possible scatter of the light beam in height with fan-shaped illumination in the width - improved contrasts thanks to the white, daylight-like LED light greater passive safety: - low power consumption, i.e. the auxiliary headlights can even be used permanently with weak alternators or lots of users - no need for replacement lights thanks to the extremely long-lasting, maintenance-free LED elements All this combined with a Touratech attachment that is specially tailored to your vehicle! We use innovative LED headlights of 70mm diameter for our auxiliary headlights. The excellent light output is made possible by the latest lighting technology and high-performance LEDS with a higher level of efficiency. Power consumption just 13 watts per headlight! (Halogen: 〜55 watts ) The LED technology offers additional benefits: the headlights are very light. And thanks to the special aluminium housing and the lens made of reinforced laminate, they are also highly stable! They have a very low construction depth of just 55mm, which makes them much easier to attach without harming the design. More light and innovative technology means more safety, while the bike looks better thanks to the 「Adventure design」 - and everything is in the customary Touratech quality. All you have to do is ride! ECE and SAE-approved, so no need to change your records! Note: Headlight protector (01-048-5468-0) not included What’s included: - 1 LED 「Fog」 auxiliary headlight with control unit - 1 LED 「Full beam」 auxiliary headlight with control unit - vehicle-specific attachment for headlights and control units - cable assembly - assembly instructions Optionally available: - Headlight protection for LED auxiliary headlights●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:※メーカー取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間頂きます。なお、完売の際はご了承下さい。【smtb-F】


TOURATECH ツラーテック【F800GSアドベンチャー用】ヘッドライトプロテクター(ステンレス)クイックリリース版 BMW F650GS(Twin)/F700GS/F800GS/F800GS Adventure


●メーカー品番:01-048-5096-0●適合付帯条件:BMW・F650GS(Twin)/F700GS/F800GS/F800GS Adventure●備考:Our headlight protector has been thoroughly tried and tested over the years - we’ve sold thousands. Even the biggest stones won’t be able to damage your headlight with this! New durable stainless steel model now available with quick release fastener! Now you can clip on the headlight protector and detach it again as needed. Just bolt the stable and secure side struts. And of course the protector comes with everything you need to fit it. This headlight protector has been developed for OFF-ROAD use and is not approved for street use. For BMW F800GS: for all years of construction!●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:※メーカー取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間頂きます。なお、完売の際はご了承下さい。


TOURATECH ツラーテック【F800GS用】LEDフォグライト 【右】フォグライト【左】ハイビーム BMW F800GS(2013-)/F800GS Adventure


●メーカー品番:01-048-5484-0●適合付帯条件:2013年以降(BMW・F800GS)、BMW・F800GS Adventure●備考:Enjoy all the benefits of modern LED technology on your motorbike! Kill several birds with one stone with the Touratech LED auxiliary headlights: greater active safety: - better illumination of the field of vision with a much clearer light/dark boundary - lowest possible scatter of the light beam in height with fan-shaped illumination in the width - improved contrasts thanks to the white, daylight-like LED light greater passive safety: - low power consumption, i.e. the auxiliary headlights can even be used permanently with weak alternators or lots of users - no need for replacement lights thanks to the extremely long-lasting, maintenance-free LED elements All this combined with a Touratech attachment that is specially tailored to your vehicle! We use innovative LED headlights of 70mm diameter for our auxiliary headlights. The excellent light output is made possible by the latest lighting technology and high-performance LEDS with a higher level of efficiency. Power consumption just 13 watts per headlight! (Halogen: 〜55 watts ) The LED technology offers additional benefits: the headlights are very light. And thanks to the special aluminium housing and the lens made of reinforced laminate, they are also highly stable! They have a very low construction depth of just 55mm, which makes them much easier to attach without harming the design. More light and innovative technology means more safety, while the bike looks better thanks to the 「Adventure design」 - and everything is in the customary Touratech quality. All you have to do is ride! ECE and SAE-approved, so no need to change your records! Note: Headlight protector (01-048-5468-0) not included What’s included: - 1 LED 「Fog」 auxiliary headlight with control unit - 1 LED 「Full beam」 auxiliary headlight with control unit - vehicle-specific attachment for headlights and control units - cable assembly - assembly instructions Optionally available: - Headlight protection for LED auxiliary headlights●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:※メーカー取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間頂きます。なお、完売の際はご了承下さい。【smtb-F】


TOURATECH ツラーテック【F800GS用】LEDフォグライト 【右】フォグライト【左】フォグライト BMW F800GS(2013-)/F800GS Adventure


●メーカー品番:01-048-5482-0●適合付帯条件:2013年以降(BMW・F800GS)、BMW・F800GS Adventure●備考:Enjoy all the benefits of modern LED technology on your motorbike! Kill several birds with one stone with the Touratech LED auxiliary headlights: greater active safety: - better illumination of the field of vision with a much clearer light/dark boundary - lowest possible scatter of the light beam in height with fan-shaped illumination in the width - improved contrasts thanks to the white, daylight-like LED light greater passive safety: - low power consumption, i.e. the auxiliary headlights can even be used permanently with weak alternators or lots of users - no need for replacement lights thanks to the extremely long-lasting, maintenance-free LED elements All this combined with a Touratech attachment that is specially tailored to your vehicle! We use innovative LED headlights of 70mm diameter for our auxiliary headlights. The excellent light output is made possible by the latest lighting technology and high-performance LEDS with a higher level of efficiency. Power consumption just 13 watts per headlight! (Halogen: 〜55 watts ) The LED technology offers additional benefits: the headlights are very light. And thanks to the special aluminium housing and the lens made of reinforced laminate, they are also highly stable! They have a very low construction depth of just 55mm, which makes them much easier to attach without harming the design. More light and innovative technology means more safety, while the bike looks better thanks to the 「Adventure design」 - and everything is in the customary Touratech quality. All you have to do is ride! ECE and SAE-approved, so no need to change your records! Note: Headlight protector (01-048-5468-0) not included What’s included: - 2 LED 「Fog」 auxiliary headlights with control units - vehicle-specific attachment for headlights and control units - cable assembly - assembly instructions Optionally available: - Headlight protection for LED auxiliary headlights●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:※メーカー取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間頂きます。なお、完売の際はご了承下さい。【smtb-F】


TOURATECH ツラーテック【F800GS用】LEDフォグライト 【右】フォグライト【左】ハイビーム BMW F800GS(2013-)/F800GS Adventure


●メーカー品番:01-048-5484-0●適合付帯条件:2013年以降(BMW・F800GS)、BMW・F800GS Adventure●備考:Enjoy all the benefits of modern LED technology on your motorbike! Kill several birds with one stone with the Touratech LED auxiliary headlights: greater active safety: - better illumination of the field of vision with a much clearer light/dark boundary - lowest possible scatter of the light beam in height with fan-shaped illumination in the width - improved contrasts thanks to the white, daylight-like LED light greater passive safety: - low power consumption, i.e. the auxiliary headlights can even be used permanently with weak alternators or lots of users - no need for replacement lights thanks to the extremely long-lasting, maintenance-free LED elements All this combined with a Touratech attachment that is specially tailored to your vehicle! We use innovative LED headlights of 70mm diameter for our auxiliary headlights. The excellent light output is made possible by the latest lighting technology and high-performance LEDS with a higher level of efficiency. Power consumption just 13 watts per headlight! (Halogen: 〜55 watts ) The LED technology offers additional benefits: the headlights are very light. And thanks to the special aluminium housing and the lens made of reinforced laminate, they are also highly stable! They have a very low construction depth of just 55mm, which makes them much easier to attach without harming the design. More light and innovative technology means more safety, while the bike looks better thanks to the 「Adventure design」 - and everything is in the customary Touratech quality. All you have to do is ride! ECE and SAE-approved, so no need to change your records! Note: Headlight protector (01-048-5468-0) not included What’s included: - 1 LED 「Fog」 auxiliary headlight with control unit - 1 LED 「Full beam」 auxiliary headlight with control unit - vehicle-specific attachment for headlights and control units - cable assembly - assembly instructions Optionally available: - Headlight protection for LED auxiliary headlights●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:※メーカー取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間頂きます。なお、完売の際はご了承下さい。【smtb-F】


TOURATECH ツラーテック【F800GSアドベンチャー用】LEDフォグライト 【右】フォグライト【左】ハイビーム BMW F800GS(2013-)/F800GS Adventure


●メーカー品番:01-048-5484-0●適合付帯条件:2013年以降(BMW・F800GS)、BMW・F800GS Adventure●備考:Enjoy all the benefits of modern LED technology on your motorbike! Kill several birds with one stone with the Touratech LED auxiliary headlights: greater active safety: - better illumination of the field of vision with a much clearer light/dark boundary - lowest possible scatter of the light beam in height with fan-shaped illumination in the width - improved contrasts thanks to the white, daylight-like LED light greater passive safety: - low power consumption, i.e. the auxiliary headlights can even be used permanently with weak alternators or lots of users - no need for replacement lights thanks to the extremely long-lasting, maintenance-free LED elements All this combined with a Touratech attachment that is specially tailored to your vehicle! We use innovative LED headlights of 70mm diameter for our auxiliary headlights. The excellent light output is made possible by the latest lighting technology and high-performance LEDS with a higher level of efficiency. Power consumption just 13 watts per headlight! (Halogen: 〜55 watts ) The LED technology offers additional benefits: the headlights are very light. And thanks to the special aluminium housing and the lens made of reinforced laminate, they are also highly stable! They have a very low construction depth of just 55mm, which makes them much easier to attach without harming the design. More light and innovative technology means more safety, while the bike looks better thanks to the 「Adventure design」 - and everything is in the customary Touratech quality. All you have to do is ride! ECE and SAE-approved, so no need to change your records! Note: Headlight protector (01-048-5468-0) not included What’s included: - 1 LED 「Fog」 auxiliary headlight with control unit - 1 LED 「Full beam」 auxiliary headlight with control unit - vehicle-specific attachment for headlights and control units - cable assembly - assembly instructions Optionally available: - Headlight protection for LED auxiliary headlights●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:※メーカー取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間頂きます。なお、完売の際はご了承下さい。【smtb-F】


TOURATECH ツラーテック【F800GSアドベンチャー用】LEDフォグライト 【右】フォグライト【左】フォグライト BMW F800GS(2013-)/F800GS Adventure


●メーカー品番:01-048-5482-0●適合付帯条件:2013年以降(BMW・F800GS)、BMW・F800GS Adventure●備考:Enjoy all the benefits of modern LED technology on your motorbike! Kill several birds with one stone with the Touratech LED auxiliary headlights: greater active safety: - better illumination of the field of vision with a much clearer light/dark boundary - lowest possible scatter of the light beam in height with fan-shaped illumination in the width - improved contrasts thanks to the white, daylight-like LED light greater passive safety: - low power consumption, i.e. the auxiliary headlights can even be used permanently with weak alternators or lots of users - no need for replacement lights thanks to the extremely long-lasting, maintenance-free LED elements All this combined with a Touratech attachment that is specially tailored to your vehicle! We use innovative LED headlights of 70mm diameter for our auxiliary headlights. The excellent light output is made possible by the latest lighting technology and high-performance LEDS with a higher level of efficiency. Power consumption just 13 watts per headlight! (Halogen: 〜55 watts ) The LED technology offers additional benefits: the headlights are very light. And thanks to the special aluminium housing and the lens made of reinforced laminate, they are also highly stable! They have a very low construction depth of just 55mm, which makes them much easier to attach without harming the design. More light and innovative technology means more safety, while the bike looks better thanks to the 「Adventure design」 - and everything is in the customary Touratech quality. All you have to do is ride! ECE and SAE-approved, so no need to change your records! Note: Headlight protector (01-048-5468-0) not included What’s included: - 2 LED 「Fog」 auxiliary headlights with control units - vehicle-specific attachment for headlights and control units - cable assembly - assembly instructions Optionally available: - Headlight protection for LED auxiliary headlights●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:※メーカー取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間頂きます。なお、完売の際はご了承下さい。【smtb-F】


TOURATECH ツラーテック【F800GSアドベンチャー用】LEDフォグライト 【右】フォグライト【左】フォグライト BMW F800GS(2013-)/F800GS Adventure


●メーカー品番:01-048-5482-0●適合付帯条件:2013年以降(BMW・F800GS)、BMW・F800GS Adventure●備考:Enjoy all the benefits of modern LED technology on your motorbike! Kill several birds with one stone with the Touratech LED auxiliary headlights: greater active safety: - better illumination of the field of vision with a much clearer light/dark boundary - lowest possible scatter of the light beam in height with fan-shaped illumination in the width - improved contrasts thanks to the white, daylight-like LED light greater passive safety: - low power consumption, i.e. the auxiliary headlights can even be used permanently with weak alternators or lots of users - no need for replacement lights thanks to the extremely long-lasting, maintenance-free LED elements All this combined with a Touratech attachment that is specially tailored to your vehicle! We use innovative LED headlights of 70mm diameter for our auxiliary headlights. The excellent light output is made possible by the latest lighting technology and high-performance LEDS with a higher level of efficiency. Power consumption just 13 watts per headlight! (Halogen: 〜55 watts ) The LED technology offers additional benefits: the headlights are very light. And thanks to the special aluminium housing and the lens made of reinforced laminate, they are also highly stable! They have a very low construction depth of just 55mm, which makes them much easier to attach without harming the design. More light and innovative technology means more safety, while the bike looks better thanks to the 「Adventure design」 - and everything is in the customary Touratech quality. All you have to do is ride! ECE and SAE-approved, so no need to change your records! Note: Headlight protector (01-048-5468-0) not included What’s included: - 2 LED 「Fog」 auxiliary headlights with control units - vehicle-specific attachment for headlights and control units - cable assembly - assembly instructions Optionally available: - Headlight protection for LED auxiliary headlights●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:※メーカー取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間頂きます。なお、完売の際はご了承下さい。【smtb-F】


TOURATECH ツラーテック【F800GS用】LEDフォグライト 【右】フォグライト【左】フォグライト BMW F800GS(2013-)/F800GS Adventure


●メーカー品番:01-048-5482-0●適合付帯条件:2013年以降(BMW・F800GS)、BMW・F800GS Adventure●備考:Enjoy all the benefits of modern LED technology on your motorbike! Kill several birds with one stone with the Touratech LED auxiliary headlights: greater active safety: - better illumination of the field of vision with a much clearer light/dark boundary - lowest possible scatter of the light beam in height with fan-shaped illumination in the width - improved contrasts thanks to the white, daylight-like LED light greater passive safety: - low power consumption, i.e. the auxiliary headlights can even be used permanently with weak alternators or lots of users - no need for replacement lights thanks to the extremely long-lasting, maintenance-free LED elements All this combined with a Touratech attachment that is specially tailored to your vehicle! We use innovative LED headlights of 70mm diameter for our auxiliary headlights. The excellent light output is made possible by the latest lighting technology and high-performance LEDS with a higher level of efficiency. Power consumption just 13 watts per headlight! (Halogen: 〜55 watts ) The LED technology offers additional benefits: the headlights are very light. And thanks to the special aluminium housing and the lens made of reinforced laminate, they are also highly stable! They have a very low construction depth of just 55mm, which makes them much easier to attach without harming the design. More light and innovative technology means more safety, while the bike looks better thanks to the 「Adventure design」 - and everything is in the customary Touratech quality. All you have to do is ride! ECE and SAE-approved, so no need to change your records! Note: Headlight protector (01-048-5468-0) not included What’s included: - 2 LED 「Fog」 auxiliary headlights with control units - vehicle-specific attachment for headlights and control units - cable assembly - assembly instructions Optionally available: - Headlight protection for LED auxiliary headlights●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:※メーカー取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間頂きます。なお、完売の際はご了承下さい。【smtb-F】


TOURATECH ツラーテック【F800GSアドベンチャー用】ヘッドライトプロテクター(ステンレス)クイックリリース版 BMW F650GS(Twin)/F700GS/F800GS/F800GS Adventure


●メーカー品番:01-048-5096-0●適合付帯条件:BMW・F650GS(Twin)/F700GS/F800GS/F800GS Adventure●備考:Our headlight protector has been thoroughly tried and tested over the years - we’ve sold thousands. Even the biggest stones won’t be able to damage your headlight with this! New durable stainless steel model now available with quick release fastener! Now you can clip on the headlight protector and detach it again as needed. Just bolt the stable and secure side struts. And of course the protector comes with everything you need to fit it. This headlight protector has been developed for OFF-ROAD use and is not approved for street use. For BMW F800GS: for all years of construction!●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:※メーカー取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間頂きます。なお、完売の際はご了承下さい。


TOURATECH ツラーテック【F800GS用】LEDフォグライト 右:フォグライト/左:ハイビーム(ブラック) BMW F800GS専用


●メーカー品番:01-048-5473-0●適合付帯条件:BMW・F800GS●備考:LED技術を採用した最新のバイク用補助ライトシステムです。右フォグライト(拡散・広範囲照射)/左ハイビーム(直線・長距離照射)です。特徴:・白熱式に比べてはるかに明瞭でコントラストの効いた照射光・乱反射が少なく、扇形に調整された照射範囲・ライト一個につき、わずか13ワットの電力消費量(ハロゲン式は55ワット)・バルブが存在せず、交換不要の為メンテナンスフリー付属品:・スイッチ付きLEDライト本体×2・取り付け用金具一式・配線ケーブル・取付説明書オプション:ヘッドライトプロテクタ アルミ無塗装(LEDフォグライト専用)商品番号 01-040-5466-0ヘッドライトプロテクタ ブラック塗装(LEDフォグライト専用)商品番号 01-040-5467-0Enjoy all the benefits of modern LED technology on your motorbike!Kill several birds with one stone with the Touratech LED auxiliary headlights:greater active safety:- better illumination of the field of vision with a much clearer light/dark boundary - lowest possible scatter of the light beam in height with fan-shaped illumination in the width- improved contrasts thanks to the white, daylight-like LED lightgreater passive safety:- low power consumption, i.e. the auxiliary headlights can even be used permanently with weak alternators or lots of users- no need for replacement lights thanks to the extremely long-lasting, maintenance-free LED elements All this combined with a Touratech attachment that is specially tailored to your vehicle!We use innovative LED headlights of 70mm diameter for our auxiliary headlights. The excellent light output is made possible by the latest lighting technology and high-performance LEDS with a higher level of efficiency. Power consumption just 13 watts per headlight! (Halogen: 〜55 watts )The LED technology offers additional benefits: the headlights are very light. And thanks to the special aluminium housing and the lens made of reinforced laminate, they are also highly stable! They have a very low construction depth of just 55mm, which makes them much easier to attach without harming the design.More light and innovative technology means more safety, while the bike looks better thanks to the 「Adventure design」 - and everything is in the customary Touratech quality. All you have to do is ride!ECE and SAE-approved, so no need to change your records!What’s included:- 2 LED 「Fog」 auxiliary headlights with control units- vehicle-specific attachment for headlights and control units - cable assembly- assembly instructions Optionally available:- Headlight protection for LED auxiliary headlights●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:メーカー取寄せ商品のため完売の際は納期にお時間頂きます。また、販売終了の場合もございますので予めご了承下さい。【smtb-F】


TOURATECH ツラーテック【F800GS用】LEDフォグライト 右:フォグライト/左:ハイビーム(ブラック) BMW F800GS専用


●メーカー品番:01-048-5473-0●適合付帯条件:BMW・F800GS●備考:LED技術を採用した最新のバイク用補助ライトシステムです。右フォグライト(拡散・広範囲照射)/左ハイビーム(直線・長距離照射)です。特徴:・白熱式に比べてはるかに明瞭でコントラストの効いた照射光・乱反射が少なく、扇形に調整された照射範囲・ライト一個につき、わずか13ワットの電力消費量(ハロゲン式は55ワット)・バルブが存在せず、交換不要の為メンテナンスフリー付属品:・スイッチ付きLEDライト本体×2・取り付け用金具一式・配線ケーブル・取付説明書オプション:ヘッドライトプロテクタ アルミ無塗装(LEDフォグライト専用)商品番号 01-040-5466-0ヘッドライトプロテクタ ブラック塗装(LEDフォグライト専用)商品番号 01-040-5467-0Enjoy all the benefits of modern LED technology on your motorbike!Kill several birds with one stone with the Touratech LED auxiliary headlights:greater active safety:- better illumination of the field of vision with a much clearer light/dark boundary - lowest possible scatter of the light beam in height with fan-shaped illumination in the width- improved contrasts thanks to the white, daylight-like LED lightgreater passive safety:- low power consumption, i.e. the auxiliary headlights can even be used permanently with weak alternators or lots of users- no need for replacement lights thanks to the extremely long-lasting, maintenance-free LED elements All this combined with a Touratech attachment that is specially tailored to your vehicle!We use innovative LED headlights of 70mm diameter for our auxiliary headlights. The excellent light output is made possible by the latest lighting technology and high-performance LEDS with a higher level of efficiency. Power consumption just 13 watts per headlight! (Halogen: 〜55 watts )The LED technology offers additional benefits: the headlights are very light. And thanks to the special aluminium housing and the lens made of reinforced laminate, they are also highly stable! They have a very low construction depth of just 55mm, which makes them much easier to attach without harming the design.More light and innovative technology means more safety, while the bike looks better thanks to the 「Adventure design」 - and everything is in the customary Touratech quality. All you have to do is ride!ECE and SAE-approved, so no need to change your records!What’s included:- 2 LED 「Fog」 auxiliary headlights with control units- vehicle-specific attachment for headlights and control units - cable assembly- assembly instructions Optionally available:- Headlight protection for LED auxiliary headlights●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:メーカー取寄せ商品のため完売の際は納期にお時間頂きます。また、販売終了の場合もございますので予めご了承下さい。【smtb-F】


SW-MOTECH エスダブリューモテック【F800GS用】BMW F650GS(08-)/F800GS(08-) ヘッドライト プロテクター




SW-MOTECH エスダブリューモテック【F800GS用】BMW F650GS(08-)/F800GS(08-) ヘッドライト プロテクター




TOURATECH ツラーテック【F800GS用】LEDフォグライト 右:フォグライト/左:フォグライト(アルミ無塗装) BMW F800GS専用


●メーカー品番:01-048-5470-0●適合付帯条件:BMW・F800GS●備考:LED技術を採用した最新のバイク用補助ライトシステムです。左右ともにフォグライト(拡散・広範囲照射)の商品です。特徴:・白熱式に比べてはるかに明瞭でコントラストの効いた照射光・乱反射が少なく、扇形に調整された照射範囲・ライト一個につき、わずか13ワットの電力消費量(ハロゲン式は55ワット)・バルブが存在せず、交換不要の為メンテナンスフリー付属品:・スイッチ付きLEDライト本体×2・取り付け用金具一式・配線ケーブル・取付説明書オプション:ヘッドライトプロテクタ アルミ無塗装(LEDフォグライト専用)商品番号 01-040-5466-0ヘッドライトプロテクタ ブラック塗装(LEDフォグライト専用)商品番号 01-040-5467-0Enjoy all the benefits of modern LED technology on your motorbike!Kill several birds with one stone with the Touratech LED auxiliary headlights:greater active safety:- better illumination of the field of vision with a much clearer light/dark boundary - lowest possible scatter of the light beam in height with fan-shaped illumination in the width- improved contrasts thanks to the white, daylight-like LED lightgreater passive safety:- low power consumption, i.e. the auxiliary headlights can even be used permanently with weak alternators or lots of users- no need for replacement lights thanks to the extremely long-lasting, maintenance-free LED elements All this combined with a Touratech attachment that is specially tailored to your vehicle!We use innovative LED headlights of 70mm diameter for our auxiliary headlights. The excellent light output is made possible by the latest lighting technology and high-performance LEDS with a higher level of efficiency. Power consumption just 13 watts per headlight! (Halogen: 〜55 watts )The LED technology offers additional benefits: the headlights are very light. And thanks to the special aluminium housing and the lens made of reinforced laminate, they are also highly stable! They have a very low construction depth of just 55mm, which makes them much easier to attach without harming the design.More light and innovative technology means more safety, while the bike looks better thanks to the 「Adventure design」 - and everything is in the customary Touratech quality. All you have to do is ride!ECE and SAE-approved, so no need to change your records!What’s included:- 2 LED 「Fog」 auxiliary headlights with control units- vehicle-specific attachment for headlights and control units - cable assembly- assembly instructions Optionally available:- Headlight protection for LED auxiliary headlights●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:メーカー取寄せ商品のため完売の際は納期にお時間頂きます。また、販売終了の場合もございますので予めご了承下さい。【smtb-F】


TOURATECH ツラーテック【F800GS用】LEDフォグライト 右:フォグライト/左:フォグライト(ブラック) BMW F800GS専用


●メーカー品番:01-048-5471-0●適合付帯条件:BMW・F800GS●備考:LED技術を採用した最新のバイク用補助ライトシステムです。左右ともにフォグライト(拡散・広範囲照射)の商品です。特徴:・白熱式に比べてはるかに明瞭でコントラストの効いた照射光・乱反射が少なく、扇形に調整された照射範囲・ライト一個につき、わずか13ワットの電力消費量(ハロゲン式は55ワット)・バルブが存在せず、交換不要の為メンテナンスフリー付属品:・スイッチ付きLEDライト本体×2・取り付け用金具一式・配線ケーブル・取付説明書オプション:ヘッドライトプロテクタ アルミ無塗装(LEDフォグライト専用)商品番号 01-040-5466-0ヘッドライトプロテクタ ブラック塗装(LEDフォグライト専用)商品番号 01-040-5467-0Enjoy all the benefits of modern LED technology on your motorbike!Kill several birds with one stone with the Touratech LED auxiliary headlights:greater active safety:- better illumination of the field of vision with a much clearer light/dark boundary - lowest possible scatter of the light beam in height with fan-shaped illumination in the width- improved contrasts thanks to the white, daylight-like LED lightgreater passive safety:- low power consumption, i.e. the auxiliary headlights can even be used permanently with weak alternators or lots of users- no need for replacement lights thanks to the extremely long-lasting, maintenance-free LED elements All this combined with a Touratech attachment that is specially tailored to your vehicle!We use innovative LED headlights of 70mm diameter for our auxiliary headlights. The excellent light output is made possible by the latest lighting technology and high-performance LEDS with a higher level of efficiency. Power consumption just 13 watts per headlight! (Halogen: 〜55 watts )The LED technology offers additional benefits: the headlights are very light. And thanks to the special aluminium housing and the lens made of reinforced laminate, they are also highly stable! They have a very low construction depth of just 55mm, which makes them much easier to attach without harming the design.More light and innovative technology means more safety, while the bike looks better thanks to the 「Adventure design」 - and everything is in the customary Touratech quality. All you have to do is ride!ECE and SAE-approved, so no need to change your records!What’s included:- 2 LED 「Fog」 auxiliary headlights with control units- vehicle-specific attachment for headlights and control units - cable assembly- assembly instructions Optionally available:- Headlight protection for LED auxiliary headlights●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:メーカー取寄せ商品のため完売の際は納期にお時間頂きます。また、販売終了の場合もございますので予めご了承下さい。【smtb-F】


TOURATECH ツラーテック【F800GS用】LEDフォグライト 右:フォグライト/左:フォグライト(ブラック) BMW F800GS専用


●メーカー品番:01-048-5471-0●適合付帯条件:BMW・F800GS●備考:LED技術を採用した最新のバイク用補助ライトシステムです。左右ともにフォグライト(拡散・広範囲照射)の商品です。特徴:・白熱式に比べてはるかに明瞭でコントラストの効いた照射光・乱反射が少なく、扇形に調整された照射範囲・ライト一個につき、わずか13ワットの電力消費量(ハロゲン式は55ワット)・バルブが存在せず、交換不要の為メンテナンスフリー付属品:・スイッチ付きLEDライト本体×2・取り付け用金具一式・配線ケーブル・取付説明書オプション:ヘッドライトプロテクタ アルミ無塗装(LEDフォグライト専用)商品番号 01-040-5466-0ヘッドライトプロテクタ ブラック塗装(LEDフォグライト専用)商品番号 01-040-5467-0Enjoy all the benefits of modern LED technology on your motorbike!Kill several birds with one stone with the Touratech LED auxiliary headlights:greater active safety:- better illumination of the field of vision with a much clearer light/dark boundary - lowest possible scatter of the light beam in height with fan-shaped illumination in the width- improved contrasts thanks to the white, daylight-like LED lightgreater passive safety:- low power consumption, i.e. the auxiliary headlights can even be used permanently with weak alternators or lots of users- no need for replacement lights thanks to the extremely long-lasting, maintenance-free LED elements All this combined with a Touratech attachment that is specially tailored to your vehicle!We use innovative LED headlights of 70mm diameter for our auxiliary headlights. The excellent light output is made possible by the latest lighting technology and high-performance LEDS with a higher level of efficiency. Power consumption just 13 watts per headlight! (Halogen: 〜55 watts )The LED technology offers additional benefits: the headlights are very light. And thanks to the special aluminium housing and the lens made of reinforced laminate, they are also highly stable! They have a very low construction depth of just 55mm, which makes them much easier to attach without harming the design.More light and innovative technology means more safety, while the bike looks better thanks to the 「Adventure design」 - and everything is in the customary Touratech quality. All you have to do is ride!ECE and SAE-approved, so no need to change your records!What’s included:- 2 LED 「Fog」 auxiliary headlights with control units- vehicle-specific attachment for headlights and control units - cable assembly- assembly instructions Optionally available:- Headlight protection for LED auxiliary headlights●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:メーカー取寄せ商品のため完売の際は納期にお時間頂きます。また、販売終了の場合もございますので予めご了承下さい。【smtb-F】


TOURATECH ツラーテック【F800GS用】LEDフォグライト 右:フォグライト/左:フォグライト(アルミ無塗装) BMW F800GS専用


●メーカー品番:01-048-5470-0●適合付帯条件:BMW・F800GS●備考:LED技術を採用した最新のバイク用補助ライトシステムです。左右ともにフォグライト(拡散・広範囲照射)の商品です。特徴:・白熱式に比べてはるかに明瞭でコントラストの効いた照射光・乱反射が少なく、扇形に調整された照射範囲・ライト一個につき、わずか13ワットの電力消費量(ハロゲン式は55ワット)・バルブが存在せず、交換不要の為メンテナンスフリー付属品:・スイッチ付きLEDライト本体×2・取り付け用金具一式・配線ケーブル・取付説明書オプション:ヘッドライトプロテクタ アルミ無塗装(LEDフォグライト専用)商品番号 01-040-5466-0ヘッドライトプロテクタ ブラック塗装(LEDフォグライト専用)商品番号 01-040-5467-0Enjoy all the benefits of modern LED technology on your motorbike!Kill several birds with one stone with the Touratech LED auxiliary headlights:greater active safety:- better illumination of the field of vision with a much clearer light/dark boundary - lowest possible scatter of the light beam in height with fan-shaped illumination in the width- improved contrasts thanks to the white, daylight-like LED lightgreater passive safety:- low power consumption, i.e. the auxiliary headlights can even be used permanently with weak alternators or lots of users- no need for replacement lights thanks to the extremely long-lasting, maintenance-free LED elements All this combined with a Touratech attachment that is specially tailored to your vehicle!We use innovative LED headlights of 70mm diameter for our auxiliary headlights. The excellent light output is made possible by the latest lighting technology and high-performance LEDS with a higher level of efficiency. Power consumption just 13 watts per headlight! (Halogen: 〜55 watts )The LED technology offers additional benefits: the headlights are very light. And thanks to the special aluminium housing and the lens made of reinforced laminate, they are also highly stable! They have a very low construction depth of just 55mm, which makes them much easier to attach without harming the design.More light and innovative technology means more safety, while the bike looks better thanks to the 「Adventure design」 - and everything is in the customary Touratech quality. All you have to do is ride!ECE and SAE-approved, so no need to change your records!What’s included:- 2 LED 「Fog」 auxiliary headlights with control units- vehicle-specific attachment for headlights and control units - cable assembly- assembly instructions Optionally available:- Headlight protection for LED auxiliary headlights●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:メーカー取寄せ商品のため完売の際は納期にお時間頂きます。また、販売終了の場合もございますので予めご了承下さい。【smtb-F】


TRAIL TECH トレイルテック【F800GS用】Equinox LED 70mmビレットライト+ワイヤハーネス+スイッチのキット(BMW F800GS 06-12)


●メーカー品番:D112-SS●適合付帯条件:2006-2012年(BMW・F800GS)●モデル適合:BMW F800GS 06-12●仕様:Feature:Description Brightness Modes:2 (Hi-Lo) Brightness:2500 Lumens (Hi モード) Beam Color:6000K Beam Angle:10° Mounting Options:Solid Post Housing Material:Billet Aluminum Housing Color:Black Front Lens:Hardened Glass Power Requirements:12V DC Polarity Protected Power Draw:30w (Hi)/15w (Lo) Minimum Lifespan:5000 hours Warranty:1 Year Physical Dimensions:71×97mm Physical Weight:460g●特長:■頑丈で耐久性に優れたアルミ削り出しハウジングにブラックアルマイト処理加工 ■アルミ真空蒸着加工したリフレクターは高反射率と正確な配光を実現 ■耐久性と寿命が長いソリッドステンレススチール(9.5mm) ■耐衝撃性と最適な透明度を有する強化ガラスレンズを採用 ■30ワットランプの搭載により夜も2500ルーメンの明るさを実現 ■どのような環境にも適応する最適な輝度調整が可能(3段階輝度レベル:高-中-弱) ■色温度:6000K ■照射角度:10度 ■12ボルトDC●備考:Equinox LED 70mmビレットライト+ワイヤハーネス+スイッチのキット●写真注意:※画像はイメージですので、実際のカラーとは異なる場合が御座います。予めご了承下さい。●納期:海外取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間をいただいております。また海外取寄せ商品のため、ご注文後キャンセル不可商品となりますので、予めご了承くださいませ。●説明書について:当商品は輸入商品となり原則、日本語取り扱い説明書は付属いたしません。【smtb-F】


TOURATECH ツラーテック【F800GS用】LEDフォグライト 右:フォグライト/左:ハイビーム(アルミ無塗装) BMW F800GS専用


●メーカー品番:01-048-5472-0●適合付帯条件:BMW・F800GS●備考:LED技術を採用した最新のバイク用補助ライトシステムです。右フォグライト(拡散・広範囲照射)/左ハイビーム(直線・長距離照射)です。特徴:・白熱式に比べてはるかに明瞭でコントラストの効いた照射光・乱反射が少なく、扇形に調整された照射範囲・ライト一個につき、わずか13ワットの電力消費量(ハロゲン式は55ワット)・バルブが存在せず、交換不要の為メンテナンスフリー付属品:・スイッチ付きLEDライト本体×2・取り付け用金具一式・配線ケーブル・取付説明書オプション:ヘッドライトプロテクタ アルミ無塗装(LEDフォグライト専用)商品番号 01-040-5466-0ヘッドライトプロテクタ ブラック塗装(LEDフォグライト専用)商品番号 01-040-5467-0Enjoy all the benefits of modern LED technology on your motorbike!Kill several birds with one stone with the Touratech LED auxiliary headlights:greater active safety:- better illumination of the field of vision with a much clearer light/dark boundary - lowest possible scatter of the light beam in height with fan-shaped illumination in the width- improved contrasts thanks to the white, daylight-like LED lightgreater passive safety:- low power consumption, i.e. the auxiliary headlights can even be used permanently with weak alternators or lots of users- no need for replacement lights thanks to the extremely long-lasting, maintenance-free LED elements All this combined with a Touratech attachment that is specially tailored to your vehicle!We use innovative LED headlights of 70mm diameter for our auxiliary headlights. The excellent light output is made possible by the latest lighting technology and high-performance LEDS with a higher level of efficiency. Power consumption just 13 watts per headlight! (Halogen: 〜55 watts )The LED technology offers additional benefits: the headlights are very light. And thanks to the special aluminium housing and the lens made of reinforced laminate, they are also highly stable! They have a very low construction depth of just 55mm, which makes them much easier to attach without harming the design.More light and innovative technology means more safety, while the bike looks better thanks to the 「Adventure design」 - and everything is in the customary Touratech quality. All you have to do is ride!ECE and SAE-approved, so no need to change your records!What’s included:- 2 LED 「Fog」 auxiliary headlights with control units- vehicle-specific attachment for headlights and control units - cable assembly- assembly instructions Optionally available:- Headlight protection for LED auxiliary headlights●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:メーカー取寄せ商品のため完売の際は納期にお時間頂きます。また、販売終了の場合もございますので予めご了承下さい。【smtb-F】


TOURATECH ツラーテック【F800GS用】LEDフォグライト 右:フォグライト/左:ハイビーム(アルミ無塗装) BMW F800GS専用


●メーカー品番:01-048-5472-0●適合付帯条件:BMW・F800GS●備考:LED技術を採用した最新のバイク用補助ライトシステムです。右フォグライト(拡散・広範囲照射)/左ハイビーム(直線・長距離照射)です。特徴:・白熱式に比べてはるかに明瞭でコントラストの効いた照射光・乱反射が少なく、扇形に調整された照射範囲・ライト一個につき、わずか13ワットの電力消費量(ハロゲン式は55ワット)・バルブが存在せず、交換不要の為メンテナンスフリー付属品:・スイッチ付きLEDライト本体×2・取り付け用金具一式・配線ケーブル・取付説明書オプション:ヘッドライトプロテクタ アルミ無塗装(LEDフォグライト専用)商品番号 01-040-5466-0ヘッドライトプロテクタ ブラック塗装(LEDフォグライト専用)商品番号 01-040-5467-0Enjoy all the benefits of modern LED technology on your motorbike!Kill several birds with one stone with the Touratech LED auxiliary headlights:greater active safety:- better illumination of the field of vision with a much clearer light/dark boundary - lowest possible scatter of the light beam in height with fan-shaped illumination in the width- improved contrasts thanks to the white, daylight-like LED lightgreater passive safety:- low power consumption, i.e. the auxiliary headlights can even be used permanently with weak alternators or lots of users- no need for replacement lights thanks to the extremely long-lasting, maintenance-free LED elements All this combined with a Touratech attachment that is specially tailored to your vehicle!We use innovative LED headlights of 70mm diameter for our auxiliary headlights. The excellent light output is made possible by the latest lighting technology and high-performance LEDS with a higher level of efficiency. Power consumption just 13 watts per headlight! (Halogen: 〜55 watts )The LED technology offers additional benefits: the headlights are very light. And thanks to the special aluminium housing and the lens made of reinforced laminate, they are also highly stable! They have a very low construction depth of just 55mm, which makes them much easier to attach without harming the design.More light and innovative technology means more safety, while the bike looks better thanks to the 「Adventure design」 - and everything is in the customary Touratech quality. All you have to do is ride!ECE and SAE-approved, so no need to change your records!What’s included:- 2 LED 「Fog」 auxiliary headlights with control units- vehicle-specific attachment for headlights and control units - cable assembly- assembly instructions Optionally available:- Headlight protection for LED auxiliary headlights●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:メーカー取寄せ商品のため完売の際は納期にお時間頂きます。また、販売終了の場合もございますので予めご了承下さい。【smtb-F】


TRAIL TECH トレイルテック【F800GS用】Equinox LED 60mmビレットライト+ワイヤハーネス+スイッチ+マウントクランプのキット(BMW F800GS 06-12)


●メーカー品番:C112-SS-01●適合付帯条件:2006-2012年(BMW・F800GS)●モデル適合:BMW F800GS 2006-2012●仕様:Feature:Description: Brightness Modes:3 (Hi-Med-Lo) Brightness:1050 Lumens (Hi mode) Beam Color:6000K Beam Angle:10° Mounting Options:Solid Post Housing Material:Billet Aluminum Housing Color:Black Front Lens:Hardened Glass Power Requirements:12V DC Polarity Protected Power Draw:10w (Hi)/6w (Med)/3w (Lo) Minimum Lifespan:5000 hours Warranty:1 Year Physical Dimensions:61×82mm Physical Weight:11.5 oz. (324g)●特長:■トレイルテックの60mm LEDはどんな条件下のどのようなライディングアドベンチャーにも最適 ■10ワットランプでランプ1個あたり1000ルーメンもの明るさを実現し、市場にあるランプの中でも最も発光効率が良い ■どのような環境にも適応する最適な輝度調整が可能(3段階輝度レベル:高-中-弱) ■頑丈で耐久性に優れたアルミ削り出しハウジングにアルマイト処理加工 ■アルミ真空蒸着加工したリフレクターは、特にハイスピードで走行時に最も正確に遠距離を照射するスポットビームを実現 ■すべての7/8”-1”フレーム、エンジンガード、ハンドルバーに取り付けられる設計。BMW GS Adventure(06-13年)他多くの車両におすすめ●特長:Equinox LED 60mmビレットライト+ワイヤハーネス+スイッチ+マウントクランプのキット●写真注意:※画像はイメージですので、実際のカラーとは異なる場合が御座います。予めご了承下さい。●納期:海外取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間をいただいております。また海外取寄せ商品のため、ご注文後キャンセル不可商品となりますので、予めご了承くださいませ。●説明書について:当商品は輸入商品となり原則、日本語取り扱い説明書は付属いたしません。【smtb-F】


TRAIL TECH トレイルテック【F800GS用】Equinox LED 60mmビレットライト+ワイヤハーネス+スイッチ+マウントクランプのキット(BMW F800GS 06-12)


●メーカー品番:C112-SS-01●適合付帯条件:2006-2012年(BMW・F800GS)●モデル適合:BMW F800GS 2006-2012●仕様:Feature:Description: Brightness Modes:3 (Hi-Med-Lo) Brightness:1050 Lumens (Hi mode) Beam Color:6000K Beam Angle:10° Mounting Options:Solid Post Housing Material:Billet Aluminum Housing Color:Black Front Lens:Hardened Glass Power Requirements:12V DC Polarity Protected Power Draw:10w (Hi)/6w (Med)/3w (Lo) Minimum Lifespan:5000 hours Warranty:1 Year Physical Dimensions:61×82mm Physical Weight:11.5 oz. (324g)●特長:■トレイルテックの60mm LEDはどんな条件下のどのようなライディングアドベンチャーにも最適 ■10ワットランプでランプ1個あたり1000ルーメンもの明るさを実現し、市場にあるランプの中でも最も発光効率が良い ■どのような環境にも適応する最適な輝度調整が可能(3段階輝度レベル:高-中-弱) ■頑丈で耐久性に優れたアルミ削り出しハウジングにアルマイト処理加工 ■アルミ真空蒸着加工したリフレクターは、特にハイスピードで走行時に最も正確に遠距離を照射するスポットビームを実現 ■すべての7/8”-1”フレーム、エンジンガード、ハンドルバーに取り付けられる設計。BMW GS Adventure(06-13年)他多くの車両におすすめ●特長:Equinox LED 60mmビレットライト+ワイヤハーネス+スイッチ+マウントクランプのキット●写真注意:※画像はイメージですので、実際のカラーとは異なる場合が御座います。予めご了承下さい。●納期:海外取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間をいただいております。また海外取寄せ商品のため、ご注文後キャンセル不可商品となりますので、予めご了承くださいませ。●説明書について:当商品は輸入商品となり原則、日本語取り扱い説明書は付属いたしません。【smtb-F】


TOURATECH ツラーテック【F700GS用】ヘッドライトプロテクター(ステンレス)クイックリリース版 BMW F650GS(Twin)/F700GS/F800GS/F800GS Adventure


●メーカー品番:01-048-5096-0●適合付帯条件:BMW・F650GS(Twin)/F700GS/F800GS/F800GS Adventure●備考:Our headlight protector has been thoroughly tried and tested over the years - we’ve sold thousands. Even the biggest stones won’t be able to damage your headlight with this! New durable stainless steel model now available with quick release fastener! Now you can clip on the headlight protector and detach it again as needed. Just bolt the stable and secure side struts. And of course the protector comes with everything you need to fit it. This headlight protector has been developed for OFF-ROAD use and is not approved for street use. For BMW F800GS: for all years of construction!●写真注意:※画像はイメージです。●納期:※メーカー取寄せ商品のため納期にお時間頂きます。なお、完売の際はご了承下さい。


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